I had to knit on the deck. Heck with housework. There's sunshine to soak in! I needed to put another repeat away on my shawl. However, I had an overwhelming desire to start a sock. I've been purposely waiting until June 21 to start another pair because that is the official start day of the Summer of Socks knit along, which I'm participating in this year. I couldn't' wait that long. Besides, I need a portable semi-brainless project on the needles. So, I gave in. I dug in the stash for a skein of Opal, in a Petticoat colorway. I decided on a simple 4 by 2 garter rib stitch pattern. I cast on and in less than 2 hours had half the leg done. Yup! I needed that sock.

I can't believe I'm that addicted to sock knitting.
This morning, when I got up, the sun was coming up. I grabbed my knitting and a cup of coffee. I've got 7 repeats done on the shawl now. Only 3 left and I get to start a new stitch pattern.
Please don't forget tomorrow is World Wide Knit In Public Day. If you don't have an event you can attend locally, perhaps you could just pop over to the park, the mall, or some public place and just sit and knit for a bit.
If you live in the north Idaho/Spokane, WA area, I've got one planned. You can get information on the place/time/etc here:
Please come! We're gonna have a great time!
Have a great day.
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