"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


My First Estonian Style Mitten

 I am so excited to post this. I finished my Estonian mittens! I am very proud of them.

Pattern: My First Estonian Mittens by Linda Jo Park

Size: Womans Small

Yarn: Valley Yarns Huntington
Content: 75% Merino, 25% Nylon, Fingering weight.
Color: White

Yarn:Schachenmayr Regi a 4-fädig 4-ply
Content: 75% Superwash Wool/25% Nylon, Fingering weight
Color: 33019 (Aqua)

Yarn: Mountain Colors Bearfoot
Content: 60% Wool/25% Mohair/15% Nylon, Fingering weight
Color: Ruby

Needles: Circular size 1

Started: February 12, 2024
Finished: July 22, 2024

Comments: I am so pleased with these. I took a basic mitten pattern and applied the Estonian techniques and stitch patterns to it. I got the Chevron and the larger floral pattern from the book 
Eesti labakindad ilma laande laiali - Estonian mittens all around the world by Aino Praakli


Close up of the stitch pattern. I should mention that I duplicate stitched the red stitches because I didn't think of it until knitting a whole mitten. I was not going to start over. 

I have no idea if Estonians did that or not. Probably not. I don't care at this point.


Close up of the thumb stitch pattern. It is common for the thumbs to be a smaller stitch pattern from the hand. I picked one that kind of matched. I found it somewhere on the internet.

Here is the pattern I used. It is 8 stitches wide and 12 rows tall.

This is the cuff. Estonian style mittens and gloves have quite an assortment of stitch patterns they used for cuffs besides the standard, and ordinary, one by one rib.

I learned quite a bit from knitting these mittens. I admit there were days when I almost threw them across the room in frustration because I just couldn't get it right. It was worth the trouble though.  Besides, I love learning new things. I've also improved my tension using small needles when changing from one needle to the next, so no more ladders from too loose or vertical ridges from knitting too tight.

I have been thinking about knitting mittens to sell in my local area. I would have to find a store to sell them, and figure out sizing issues. The mittens above are size woman's small because I did them with size 1 needles which got me a stitch gauge of 10 stitches per inch. Yes, you read that right. I think it's the most stitches per inch I've ever knit, except maybe the thread beaded knit amulet bags I made in the mid 2000's. (I still want to finish that book.) Mittens are knit tighter than usual so they are warmer. Anyway, the idea is rolling around in my head. I've even stocked up on a bit of yarn to get started with the knitting. I need to find a boutique in town that caters to wealthy travelers looking for Idaho made souvenirs. I wonder if there is one? I'll have to look into it.

Live long and prosper. \\//


Zoey's Andoa

 Today I'm posting about the new sweater I made my dog, Zoey. She absolutely loves wearing sweaters. I've already got the yarn and patterns lined up for her next two. 

Pattern: Basic Coat from A Dogs Life by Patons and Andoa by Norah Gaughan
Made For: Zoey

Size: Large

Yarn: Lion Brand Heartland, Worsted Weight
Content: 100% Acrylic
Color: Hot Springs

Needles: Circular size 5 and 7

Started: May 21, 2024
Finished: July 2, 2024

Comment: I have customized the above dog sweater pattern to fit my Zoey. 

I used the stitch patterns from the Andoa pattern so she and I could have matching sweaters.

I've made the ribbed neck extra long so it can be folded over. She has a pretty long neck anyway.

She loves this one. I had a hard time getting it off of her after taking the photos. It was almost 90F degrees and she wanted to wear it. Silly girl!

This is the cross stitch project I'm working on right now.

It's coming along pretty good. I did have a problem with running out of one of the threads. It's a Thea Gouverneur kit named Flamingos. So I found their web site and sent them an email asking if they could tell me the DMC color so I could purchase more. They use DMC threads in their kits. They kindly sent me the number and I got a skein from Joann's. I could have probably asked for more thread, but the kit is a fairly old one and the company is in Europe. I wasn't willing to wait for the thread. Anyway, they were very nice about it. By the way, the fabric looks dirty in the pic. It's not. It's just the way the shadows hit the fabric.

Still warm summer weather. It's actually come down a bit to the upper 80's this week. However, the air is very smoky. It's coming from large wildfires up in Canada. We have nothing close to us right now. Hoping it stays that way for the rest of the year.

Live long and prosper. \\//


The House Is Done

It's been very difficult to sit down and write on this blog this month. I've been busy busy. 

The siding job on the house was completed July 12. I am very pleased with the quality of the job done. Perfect Siding has pride in their workmanship. It was so worth it hiring them to do the job, instead of trying to do it ourselves. It would never have looked as good as it does now. Here are some pics for comparison. Click to embiggen.

The front before:

The front now:

I love the new green with white trim. It's so bright and cheery. Matches the garage a little better too. I also love the horizontal siding. I've never been a fan of the vertical stuff.

Back, left side before:

Back Left side now:

The angle is different, but you get the idea. We need to replace the stairs to the back door. Hopefully we can do that this fall. Notice no more shutters on the windows. Shutters are so passé now.

Back deck before:

Back deck now:

I took this picture before the new gutters were installed over the deck area. They're white anyway and don't really stand out. It's going to be nice not having the rain falling off the roof onto my pots of plants though. That's assuming we get rain again. Hasn't rained for 3 weeks now. I'm afraid it might never rain again. Lol!

One more picture. I have a purple door! I love it!

Sweet hubby has been rebuilding the front porch and steps. He didn't do a very good job when he first made them because we were in a hurry. At the time we were working on refinancing our house (Original loan was 10% interest. New loan was 4.5%) and we didn't have front steps that followed the building code. We threw this together to pass code to get the loan. It started to fall apart, which made it dangerous. Now it's already much more sturdy and I'm not afraid of falling down. He's planning to paint the railings white to match the trim on the house.

Had a doctors appointment this morning. I went to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I asked for a different doctor for the referral and I'm so glad I did. I really like this new doctor. He tested me for Vocal Chord Disorder, which required he push a camera on the end of a cord through my nose and down my throat to look at my larynx. He sprayed some medication in to numb things a bit, but it still hurt like the dickens. He didn't find any bumps or nodes on my vocal chords, which is a good thing, but they are very inflamed and angry red. I'm going to go ahead and start treatment for VCD which will be some speech therapy. I'm looking forward to trying it. I'm also going to start doing salt water rinses to clean out my sinuses. It should help with the inflammation there too.

I haven't been knitting a lot. Mostly working on my Flamingo cross stitch. The last couple weeks have been horribly hot. Mid-90's to just over 100. I lost any enthusiasm for knitting. I have finished Zoey's new sweater though, and the Estonian Mittens. Just haven't cast on anything new yet. 

I have figured out what I'm knitting for Christmas and gathered the necessary yarn. Socks for this year. I will be casting on the first of them next.

I'll blog about the finished projects over the next couple days.

Meantime, stay cool!

Live long and prosper. \\//


My Andoa

 Finally got some time to take pictures of my new sweater. I'm really not happy with them but oh well.

Pattern: Andoa Pullover by Norah Gaughan

Size: Mine

Yarn: HeartlandHeartland by Lion brand
Content: 100% Acrylic, Aran weight
Color: Hotsprings

Needles: Circular size 6 and 8

Started: February 28, 2024
Completed: May 19, 204

Comments: I made some changes to the pattern. I enlarged it to fit me because it doesn't go up to my size. I lowered the neckline by 7 inches, and I shortened the sleeves. I also substituted a different stitch pattern for the garter stitch sections and 2 by 1 twisted rib for the welt, cuffs, and neckband.

There are 3 stitch patterns in the body. These first two are in the sweater pattern. This one is the Granite stitch, which is one of my favorites. It's all of 2 rows by 2 stitches wide.

Second is a slightly different version of Basket Weave stitch. It was super easy to memorize so I didn't have to look at the chart after the first time I knit it.

This is the substitution for the garter stitch I chose, which are diamonds made with seed stitch.

I found this stitch pattern on Knitty (Online knitting magazine) here:  Diamond stitch pattern (scroll down).

I love wearing it. The fit is almost perfect. One of my friends took a picture of me wearing it.

I have been working on the second Estonian style mitten. I'm up to the decreases at the top of it. It's going so much better than the first one did. I feel like I actually know what I'm doing.

Our weather has been nice, except it rained most all day yesterday, along with thunder and lightening. I don't mind though. We needed the rain.

The siding guys took the weekend off. I'll update on the progress later.

Live long and prosper. \\//


House Happenings

The last couple weeks I've been pretty busy. I have hired a construction company, Perfect Siding LLC, to replace the siding and skirting on the house. Everything seems to have happened so fast.

It started with getting a fairly large tax refund this year, which I wasn't expecting. We've been saving up to fix the house for awhile and we were about halfway to what I figured we needed. The tax refund sped things up. Our house is over 30 years old and needs some tender loving care. We're getting old and we don't want to have to deal with the big things of house ownership in our later years. I talked husband into hiring someone rather than doing it ourselves because I know there is no way we could manage it. 

A couple weeks later I started calling contractors to get quotes, and asking for recommendations from friends. We ended up choosing Perfect Siding because their specialty is manufactured homes, which is what we own. In fact, during our conversation with the owner, he mentioned that his father used to sell manufactured homes in this area. I asked a couple questions and we discovered we actually bought our home from his father! How freaky is that?

Two Fridays ago we decided to go with Perfect Siding. I signed the contract that morning. An hour later we were at our bank applying for a loan because hubby wanted to keep the cash. We did't have any debt anyway. Three hours from then our application was accepted and an hour later (they called while I was baking a cake so we had to wait until I was done) the money was in our checking account. It all went so fast my head was spinning!

The following Monday, the contractor- Kevin, came over so I could give him the first payment on the job. He said it would probably be 3 or 4 weeks before they could get to the job because of previous jobs. I thought that was fantastic cuz applying for this kind of thing in June can get you scheduled for September or later around here. Then last Saturday he came by and told the husband that they were starting today. Apparently, the job he was supposed to be doing this week has been stopped because the materials are delayed in arriving. He's already got our materials, so while he waits, he's doing our house. 

We hadn't gotten around to getting things ready yet! So all day Saturday and Sunday we worked to prepare the house. We had to remove everything close to the house away at least 6 feet. The flower beds were chock full of weeds, and bushes needed to be pruned, and stuff needed to be dragged away. Our lawn needed to be mowed short too. 

Oh my gosh, it was hard work! My arthritis in the ankles and feet did not like it, nor did my messed up knees and bad back. My hands suffered because I was using the weedwacker for hours. By last night I was in so much pain I could hardly move. I was using my cane in the evening. I got about 2 hours sleep last night because of the pain, even though I took some Tylenol for Arthritis. I was sure I'd be hardly able to walk this morning. I wanted to die I hurt so much. But we got it DONE! I finally fell asleep and when I woke up at 8 because an outhouse was being delivered to my front yard, I felt much better than I even hoped.

I have taken a few Before pictures of the house. I plan to take Afters later. Anyway, here's the front of the house after we finished murdering and abusing my poor flowers.

If you click on the pictures, they should get larger. You can see the skirting is a disaster. Snow fell off the roof early last winter and broke through the left side of the skirting. That December, because of the big hole, our heating bill was over $600! Husband had to dig the snow out to get close enough to cover the hole with a piece of plywood. It took a few days to get the job done. Later another hole happened on the right side. There are also a lot of smaller holes at the bottom made mostly by squirrels. The siding itself is rotting in some places, or has been damaged by woodpeckers. Specifically the northern Flickers. The males bang on things to attract a mate. Our house is a prime mate getter. They drill the hole, then abandon it when they get the girl. Then squirrels or swallows or what have you move in the hole. We've been nailing a piece of tin over the holes each time they make one.

Our new siding will be strong enough to bend Flicker beaks and resist squirrel chewing. YAY! It will be horizontal siding too. I think it's called Lapped siding? The framing around all the windows is being replaced, and the fake shutters on the back removed permanently. The whole thing will be painted light green with white trim so it matches the shop/garage.

Part of the back of the house.

The siding actually isn't too bad, but the skirting is starting to fall apart.

Another view of the back. Excuse the yellow pollen all over the deck. The pines are blooming.

I finally got my flower boxes on the deck planted. Marigolds again, this year. They're such a cheerful flower. The butterflies and bees love them too.

The lilacs have been blooming the last couple weeks. 

I have been getting knitting done. I think I mentioned I've finished my Andoa sweater. I've even worn it a couple times. Have not had a chance to take photos of it yet. In the meantime, I started a matching sweater for Zoey. I've got the body done. I need to block it before I can continue on and just haven't had time to do it. I'm not in a hurry anyway. Summer has arrived. Why would my dog be wearing sweaters?

I finished the main knitting for the first Estonian mitten.

Still needs a thumb where the small red line is. I started the second mitten and have the cuff done. I was going to go forward on that today when I went to the Rathdrum Library knitting group meeting, but I was so flustered with everything going on at the house I took the wrong knitting bag with me. So I wove in the ends on Zoey's Andoa instead. My hands and fingers are so sore I haven't been able to do much anyway. Stupid weedwacker.

That's it for now. I'll be home all day tomorrow so maybe I can get the blocking done.

Live long and prosper. \\//


Andoa Progress

 I have made significant progress on my Andoa sweater. All I have left to do is pick up stitches around the neck, which you can see I lowered considerably (to 7 inches deep) and make the neckband. 

Then some blocking. I tried it on and it fits so well! I'm very happy with how it's turning out. 

I have worked a little bit on my Estonian mitten. I'm decreasing the top. I figured out how wick decreases are done and I'm doing the half wick decrease. I don't care for how it looks, but I'll keep it cuz, well, it's an Estonian style mitten. Besides, I'm getting anxious to get the second mitten cast on.

You may have heard about the solar storm that hit our fine planet a couple weeks ago causing a spectacular show of the Aurora Borealis. I really wasn't expecting to see much that night, because we have so much light pollution around here now. It turned out to be a clear night, though, and my daughter wanted to try seeing it so bad, so around 10:30 pm she and I got in the car and I went looking for a place with less light pollution. While I drove, she had her eyes on the sky. I headed north on highway 41 for about half an hour, and about a mile or so north of Blanchard, there they were! I found a place to pull off and we spent about half an hour or so just watching the Aurora Borealis, and taking tons of pictures. It was FANTASTIC! I've never seen it so bright and colorful before. It was bright pinks and purples and greens and so amazing! I'm so glad I took her out to see it.

On the way home, highway 41 had lots of cars parked on the side with the owners and passengers sitting outside staring at the sky. It was kind of cool. I felt a certain unity with my fellow Idahoans that evening.

Here are my favorite 2 pictures I took. This one was taken north of Blanchard. The bright light at the bottom is the moon.

When we got home, I discovered we could see it very well from my own back yard. In fact, it was actually brighter! It wasn't that way before we left so it must not have appeared yet. I took this one from my deck.

For me, this was a bucket list item, to see the Aurora Borealis in all it's colorful glory. I can call it checked off and I didn't even have to go to Alaska to see it.

I took this picture last week. My Salome daffodils are blooming. They are so beautiful.

This last picture is the flowers my daughter and her partner sent me for Mothers Day. It came with a good size box of Godiva chocolates too.

I had a wonderful Mothers Day. Ruth made me some Snickerdoodle cookies with chunks of toffee in them. They were so yummy! 

My husband and Ruth took me out for lunch. Then we gassed up the pickup and headed into the Coeur d'Alene National Forest for a drive in the mountains. Last year there was a wildfire up there in the Chilco area and my husband wanted to see how much damage there is. It turned out to be not as bad as we expected. There are some totally burned out areas, but I'd say most of it was just undergrowth burn. The trees were still alive. There was lots of green plants sprouting under the trees, even in the decimated areas. I don't think it's gonna be long before it looks pretty good again.

I wanted to see wild flowers and animals.  I took my camera with me, but ended up not using it because I didn't see anything new. We were up there a little earlier than usual, so there were some flowers not blooming yet, though I did see one lone Fairy Slipper orchid. Mostly it was Trilliums, tiny yellow violets, and the occasional patch of blue Delphiniums, Glacier Lilies, and lots of wild Strawberry. 

Ruth wanted to find some snow. We did find a little bit fairly high up. Not enough to block the roads. Most of it is melted. It was a beautiful perfect day, weather-wise. 

On our way home, we stopped at a carry out pizza place to get an Artichoke Chicken Garlic pizza to take home for dinner. It was a very nice day.

Oh, one more thing. I finally got my Medicare card! I have my Medicare D card too. So all is well with the world.

Live long and prosper. \\//


WIP Wednesday 5-1-2024

 I've made a bit of progress on Andoa since my last post. I've finished the front 

and blocked both pieces.

I managed to join the right shoulders last night. You might notice I've lowered the front neckline quite a bit. I can't stand anything close around my neck like turtlenecks and high crew necks and whatnot. I haven't since I had globus hystericus in the mid-90's after an extremely stressful time in my life. It will recur whenever I have a lot of stress. Anyway, back to the sweater, I've lowered it about 7 inches. The neckband will raise it up a bit so it won't be too sexy. I will also be making short sleeves.

Thought I'd tell you about my latest tool craze. I got some of these cord stoppers.

They make wonderful stitch stoppers on circular needles. 

These ones will work on needles up to 8mm in diameter. 

There are lots of varieties of them in all shapes and sizes.  Some have 1 hole, some have 2. I prefer the round ones, but you might like some other kind. I love them. They stay on so much better than the traditional point protectors.

The weather has been very cool the last couple days. Chilly enough that Zoey has been wearing sweaters. It's been in the low 50's but with wind it feels so much colder. 

Speaking of Zoey, isn't that a beautiful face?

Live long and prosper. \\//


WIP Wednesday On a Friday


I finished the front of Andoa, as well as the back. The next step is blocking these two pieces before I put the shoulders together. I'm going to do that with 3-needle bind off. Can't start the sleeves until I do, so I'm motivated to get it done quickly.

Good things have happened since my last post. Finally---I HAVE MEDICARE! I got the notice yesterday. I have to say thank you to Senator Crapo's employees for fixing the problem. He has a whole squad who's job it is to help people having these kinds of problems. I am so relieved!

I got the cat mittens in the mail to my daughter. Hopefully, she will get them tomorrow.

My flowering plum is starting to bloom. My daffodils are blooming, and the Bleeding Heart and Peonies have sprouted. It's Spring! Looking forward to pink tree time.

I have fabric for a sewing project. My Namaste circular needle case is over-stuffed. I can barely close it. I found a sewing pattern for the exact type of case on Etsy. I'm going to sew myself a new needle case.

The cats is a lightweight upholstery fabric. I will use that for the outside. The other two are for pockets and lining. I need some 20 gauge clear plastic fabric for the tabs, but Joann's is fresh out. I looked around on the web for some, but I only need about half a yard. Most places have a minimum of 3 yards, and it's pricey. I'm going to come up with some other plan.

Today it's supposed to rain. Hoping it does. We could use it. I think I'll cut the pieces for my needle case as well as block Andoa.

Live long and prosper. \\//


Kisurakkaus Mittens

 I finished these mittens just in time. I need to send them to my daughter next week if they're gonna make it there by her birthday.

Pattern: Kisurakkaus Kirjoneulelapaset by Hanna Pesonen

Size: Womens Medium

Yarn: Lana Gatto Wool Gatto
Content: 100% Superwash Wool, Sport weight
Color: Black

Yarn: Berroco Comfort Sock
Content: 50% Nylon, 50% Acrylic. Fingering weight
Color: 1812

Needles: Circular size 3

Started: March 21, 2024
Finished: April 21, 2024

Comments: I learned so much making these mittens. I wouldn't recommend them for a beginner though, that's for sure! First of all, the pattern is written in Finnish, which I don't know anything about. The charts are pretty good though, so I figured I'd figure it out.

The designer made these with Aran weight yarn and got a gauge of 29 stitches to 4 inches. With ARAN yarn! I could not get that gauge using a light worsted weight (I originally planned to use Cascade 220 Wool) and size 1. I dug in my stash and found a skein of sport weight black Lana Gatto. I found two skeins of Berroco Comfort fingering sock yarn for the second color. Decided to knit with 2 strands held together of that. I got gauge with a size 3 needle.

I made a small change to the pattern. I started with 3 rounds of 1 by 1 rib. I felt the need for something to pull the fabric in just a bit before that first Latvian Braid. It has a kind of stabilizing effect.

The main motif on the back of the hand is this cute little Art Deco style cat. 

The pattern only has one chart, so I had to figure out how to reverse it for the second mitten so the cats would face each other. I scanned the chart into my computer as a jpeg, flipped it and called it good.

This is the palm side.

Here's a close up of the paw print.

Detail of the thumb. Little cat heads. The back side is just the alternating dot pattern. The thumb gave me a hard time. When you put the thumb stitches on a holder, you then cast on just 3 stitches in the space made and carry on. When it is time to put the thumb stitches back on the needle, you then have to pick up 11 more sts, but there's only three in that space. I've not seen a thumb like that before. Fortunately, my daughter came to the rescue and found a video that explains how to do that here:

And, because people ask, here's the inside floats.

There was a lot of tinking and frogging for this project so I'm super glad to have them done. With any luck, I'll get them in the mail later this week.

I still don't have my Medicare card. I talked to them on the phone a second time which resulted in them sending me a form to have my husband fill out which confirmed I'm his wife. Then two weeks ago I found out my application has been denied for not having enough work credits. 

That was it! I've been waiting for 3 months! Friday of that week I finally called Senator Crapo, who is our Senator, and asked for help. Their problem solver emailed me a form to fill out giving them permission to look into my files, and I was told they'll get it fixed. Last Friday I received the official application denial from Social Security in the mail. Haven't heard from Crapo's office since sending in the form.

Contrary to what SSA seems to think, I am qualified to receive Medicare. I've been married to my husband for 42 years. I figure I've worked maybe a total of 7 years during that time. The rest of the time I've been the house wife/stay at home mom. Doug worked enough to qualify us both for Medicare. Sheesh, what a mess!

This year I bought my plants for the deck flower boxes early. Plants are readily available too soon by at least 6 weeks for my personal weather zone. I can't plant until after Mothers Day. I thought I could keep them alive by putting them out during the day, and bringing them in at night so they don't freeze. I got 36 marigolds and 12 strawberries. Yup. That didn't work out. I forgot to bring them in 2 nights later and we got a freeze cold enough to kill the marigolds (strawberries are fine). I was lamenting this to my friend on Monday and she told me about a tiny little greenhouse on sale at BiMart. She went with me to the store to help me find them. I bought one. I also bought marigolds to replace the dead ones. 

This little house works! It's surprisingly well made. The front has a doorway that zips closed. I've been putting a pot of tap hot water on the bottom shelf at night to make extra sure my plants stay alive, but it's supposed to be able to keep them alive down to 20F with the door zipped up.

I'm very happy with it.

Still working on Andoa. I'll talk about it another time.

Live long and prosper. \\//