What is WWKIP Day? World Wide Knit In Public Day. An international event where knitters get together in a public place and knit. I think the goal is to bring knitting into public awareness, as well as an attempt to get rid of the stereotype image of a knitter--granny sitting in a rocker making hideous sweaters that don't fit. This years official day is June 14, 2008.
For more info, you can visit the official web site:
I've decided to host the first-that I know of- North Idaho World Wide Knit In Public day. I am not limiting this to just knitters. All fiberholics are welcome. All knitters, spinners, crocheters, etc are invited.
North Idaho World Wide Knit In Public Day
Place: Falls Park, Post Falls Idaho. Located off 4th St., west of Spokane Street. A nice park with lawns, a pond, picnic tables, restroom, parking lot, and views of Post Falls (the water fall) and Spokane River
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008
Time: 10:30 am - 2:30pm
Bring: Your knitting, spinning, crochet, a chair, a picnic lunch and beverage, sun block.
We'll just get together, do our fibery thing, and have some fun.
If someone needs more info, they can email me at:
Please pass the word around to other knitters you know.
Please let me know if you’re coming so I'll know I'm not the only one who's gonna be there.
Have a great day.
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