"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


WIPs August 2, 2024

 I have been working on just two wips this past week. Mostly cross stitching the flamingos.

I like to stitch one color at a time. I start with lighter colors and work my way toward the darker colors. I've done this one a little different, but still working with the lighter colors. 

I've finished two pinks, and now I'm working on coral pink. I've been working on it while watching the Olympics. 

I know I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again, I love graphing the fabric before stitching. It has made it so much easier for counting stitches and figuring out where they go.

I've started the first of my Christmas knitting projects. I'm making a pair of socks with ducks on them.

They're from the top down, so the ruffle is at the top of the cuff. I love how the ruffles look like duck feet. I'm going to be doing the ducks in fairisle, but I'll be duplicate stitching the beaks. That way I'm not doing 3 colors in a row.

The pattern changes the size of the needles up 1 size for the stranded part, then back down to the smaller size for the stockinette. I think that is a good idea.

Last week was so nice. It didn't get very hot. We even had a day of rain which knocked all the smoke out of the air. The heat returned today. It's about 97F now. Tomorrow will be three digit heat. I'm so glad we have air conditioning.

I had a bit of an experience yesterday. After the Yarnies meeting, I was pulling out of the coffee shop's parking lot onto the street and ended up being pulled over by a cop. I've been driving for almost 50 years and never have been pulled over before. I was at a complete loss what I did wrong because I had hardly driven at all. I certainly didn't cut anyone off, speed, or anything else. I just pulled out into the closest lane and started to tootle toward the freeway on-ramp. Well, apparently, I didn't turn on my blinker light before turning out onto the street. I don't know how he could have known because from where he saw me, he couldn't have seen my blinker. To be honest, I don't know if I turned it on or not. I usually do because it's a habit. I even turn them on coming in and out of a parking spot. He didn't give me a ticket, fortunately. It kind of scared me though.

We have 3 turkey hens hanging around the house. At least one has babies. They're so cute! Too shy for pics though. There's also a doe with brand new twin fawns. They are fun to watch.

That's all for now.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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