"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


There Be Ducks

 It took two times, but I finally knit a respectable set of ducks on the socks.

Having trouble with even tension on the background color. I'm hoping blocking will help. I plan to duplicate stitch the beaks. That's what the directions say to do.

Last April 1, April Fools Day, my husband went to his office before heading to the class he was going to teach and found a potato on his desk covered in postage stamps. Someone mailed him a potato as an April Fools joke. We don't know who, and probably will never know who. He loves that potato. He actually bought a pot and some potting soil and planted it. It resides out on the deck and has been growing quite nicely.

It has started blooming and I thought I'd post a pic for those who have never seen potato flowers.

These ones are white, but I've seen them in blues and purples too. It depends on the variety. This is a Russet potato plant. The flowers are about the size of a nickel. 

Last weekend we were expecting 3 digit heat and the air was thick. Well, guess what? It didn't happen. Clouds moved in and we got rain! It was warm and muggy all day Saturday then rained a bit during the night. Sunday the temperature had dropped considerably (70's) and we got quite a bit more rain. It was so welcome! It helped a bit with local fires, which have all been fairly small and knocked out fairly quickly. 

This weekend it's been in the upper 80's and the smoke is oppressive. It's moved in from other states. I decided to stay indoors. So no deck knitting this weekend. I'm watching movies and the Olympics and being a lazy good for nothing, though I did knit the heel on the sock late last night. Planning on getting back to that as soon as I'm done with this, which I am now.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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