"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Damn It!

 First of all, I'm doing this post on my phone. I have managed to injure myself very badly.

Two Tuesdays ago I was cheerfully puttering in my yard picking off the dead flowers on the marigolds. I went up the steps to the deck, caught my left foot on the top step and fell, hard, on my left knee. It hurt! I got up and got an ice pack from the freezer. After a bit the swelling clearly told me to get myself to the Immediate Care Clinic. Took a few steps and got hit with the most agonizing pain I've had since I broke my back decades ago. I could not walk. I started screaming it hurt so bad. Doug called 911. 

45 minutes later I'm being wheeled into the emergency dept at Kootenai Hospital.

After X-rays and cat scans I learned I've damaged and bruised the tissue all around my knee. Because I'm on blood thinners (another story), blood was gushing out the veins into my leg which caused severe swelling from just above my knee to my toes and turned my leg an angry shade of purple. Thankfully nothing is broken or fractured. 

I spent 2 days in the hospital. While there a huge blister formed right above my knee cap. It's easily 3 inches across. I've never had something so gross on me! It drained mostly last Tuesday evening. It's very ugly. It'll take at least 2 months to heal, assuming I don't manage to get infection in it. I'm being extra careful to make sure that doesn't happen.

I came home the following Thursday evening using a walker and having a hard time doing so.  I have a physical therapist coming a couple times a week, and also a nurse. I'm now using a cane. I'm going to get past this as quickly as I can.

I took a picture of the blister. I thought about posting it here on my blog, but I wouldn't want to be reading along and suddenly come upon it, so what I've done is put it in one of my online albums with a link. If you care to see it, click below.

Big Blister

I've been knitting some since I'm on my butt most of the time. I've started a new sweater for Zoey (more details another time). I've also been working on the second duck socks. Got the heel turned yesterday.

I need to start working on the graphing of the next pair I'll be knitting. There's no actual pattern for them yet. Just an idea in my head.  Lots of math will be involved .

That's it for now. I'm hoping I'll be able to stand having my laptop in my lap with the next post. 

Live long and prosper! \\//

1 comment:

  1. How scary! I'm glad you are OK and hope you heal up soon.
