"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


The House Is Done

It's been very difficult to sit down and write on this blog this month. I've been busy busy. 

The siding job on the house was completed July 12. I am very pleased with the quality of the job done. Perfect Siding has pride in their workmanship. It was so worth it hiring them to do the job, instead of trying to do it ourselves. It would never have looked as good as it does now. Here are some pics for comparison. Click to embiggen.

The front before:

The front now:

I love the new green with white trim. It's so bright and cheery. Matches the garage a little better too. I also love the horizontal siding. I've never been a fan of the vertical stuff.

Back, left side before:

Back Left side now:

The angle is different, but you get the idea. We need to replace the stairs to the back door. Hopefully we can do that this fall. Notice no more shutters on the windows. Shutters are so passé now.

Back deck before:

Back deck now:

I took this picture before the new gutters were installed over the deck area. They're white anyway and don't really stand out. It's going to be nice not having the rain falling off the roof onto my pots of plants though. That's assuming we get rain again. Hasn't rained for 3 weeks now. I'm afraid it might never rain again. Lol!

One more picture. I have a purple door! I love it!

Sweet hubby has been rebuilding the front porch and steps. He didn't do a very good job when he first made them because we were in a hurry. At the time we were working on refinancing our house (Original loan was 10% interest. New loan was 4.5%) and we didn't have front steps that followed the building code. We threw this together to pass code to get the loan. It started to fall apart, which made it dangerous. Now it's already much more sturdy and I'm not afraid of falling down. He's planning to paint the railings white to match the trim on the house.

Had a doctors appointment this morning. I went to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. I asked for a different doctor for the referral and I'm so glad I did. I really like this new doctor. He tested me for Vocal Chord Disorder, which required he push a camera on the end of a cord through my nose and down my throat to look at my larynx. He sprayed some medication in to numb things a bit, but it still hurt like the dickens. He didn't find any bumps or nodes on my vocal chords, which is a good thing, but they are very inflamed and angry red. I'm going to go ahead and start treatment for VCD which will be some speech therapy. I'm looking forward to trying it. I'm also going to start doing salt water rinses to clean out my sinuses. It should help with the inflammation there too.

I haven't been knitting a lot. Mostly working on my Flamingo cross stitch. The last couple weeks have been horribly hot. Mid-90's to just over 100. I lost any enthusiasm for knitting. I have finished Zoey's new sweater though, and the Estonian Mittens. Just haven't cast on anything new yet. 

I have figured out what I'm knitting for Christmas and gathered the necessary yarn. Socks for this year. I will be casting on the first of them next.

I'll blog about the finished projects over the next couple days.

Meantime, stay cool!

Live long and prosper. \\//

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