I finished this project a couple weeks ago or so. I've been taking photos of it to blog about it ever since. Horrible photo's, in my opinion, but I don't want to drag out the light box equipment, so this is going to have to suffice.
I have made a little beaded 'crown' to sew to the top too so I can hang it on my Christmas tree next year. I've got the whole year to get that done.
I'm working on a third peyote ball now. It features a Buffalo Check pattern. I have 19 triangles finished. Unfortunately, I ran out of beads for one of the three colors. I only have 21 beads left of that color, and I need 108 for that last triangle. I should have had enough, going by grams of beads required/obtained.
While I'm waiting for the tube of beads which, by the way, is going to cost twice it's retail price because of shipping charges, I'm working on finishing the knitted slippers I started last year, and I've cast on for a knitted chicken. (You read right. A chicken.) I'm working on the bicycle cross stitch because daughters birthday is coming up in April and it would be so nice to have it done and out of my hair. I'm gathering beads for a couple necklace projects too. Keeping myself busy between all the "have to's ".
The fountain water bowl for the fur kids is being used regularly, and the cats have been eating the "old" food. Merino is still pooping on the floor at night. I just don't get it. I'm beginning to suspect a dominance issue here between him and Boba. Boba is kind of a bully and he's full grown. We have been forcing the cats out side on nicer days to play. I say to them "Go bother a rodent."
Temperatures have come up and we're averaging low 40's during the day. We've had a bit of snow, rain, and a couple days of sunshine. The snow is melting, though we've still got loads of it. Getting closer to spring, and the sun is finally shining in the living room window again. It is so nice to have the light returning. I've come to the conclusion I would never survive living in Alaska.
Live long and prosper. \\//
Thank you Terri.