"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Total Frustration

 I have had a very frustrating day. I have been looking for some specific photos I took on our very first cruise, which was in January 2006, before I ever had this blog. At that time I had a Sony digital camera that used those little 2.5 inch mini CD's. The pics were written on to the disc after taking them. After we boarded the ship, which was the Carnival Miracle, I took pics that have completely disappeared. My daughter and I have looked at every mini disc I could find. All but two were safely in their storage box. I found 2 discs that weren't, but they were empty. I don't know where that specific CD is. Of course, I would lose the CD that has the most important picture on it. 

 It doesn't make sense though because one of the CD's has the pictures I took before this one, and after this one. Just a few are missing. 

We also dug out my two old lap tops and looked through their hard drives for the pictures. Not on them.

I wonder if this was taken on Doug's camera, instead of mine. We were standing by the rail on our very first cruise, before it left port, taking pictures. One of the other passengers walking by us offered to take this picture of us using what I thought was my camera. It's my favorite of all the pics taken that trip. I bet it was Doug's camera. I'll ask him in the morning.

I wanted to print it out on photo paper and frame it to put on the wall. I have a print out, but it's on regular paper rather than photo. I've scanned it, which is the pic above, but it's not as nice as having the original jpeg file. I guess it's better than nothing, though.

Before the picture search, I spent a couple hours stitching the bicycle picture. I got all the non-bead green stitches done for the front basket of flowers. 

This has been my day. I hope tomorrow is better.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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