"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Last Hat For Knitwits For Now

 Today, I feel well enough to blog. The last 2 weeks have been very difficult. The panic attacks got to a point where I was having days unable to function. Even for someone with Panic Attack Anxiety Disorder, it was far beyond normal. Turns out, the new asthma medication (Trellegy Ellipta) I'd been taking for 3.5 months was causing it. A somewhat rare, but not unknown, side effect. I stopped taking it last Thursday. I am starting to feel human again. My doctor is making arrangements for me to start taking another asthma med called Symbicort. It's expensive, so they're going to enroll me in a government program that will significantly lower the price. I'm super happy about it. I hope this one works for me instead of against me, and the stupid cough goes away.

One thing that has helped me the past few weeks is my knitting and cross stitch. I have to focus on what I'm doing so it helps me ignore what's going on with my body. I actually finished another hat for KnitWits. It's the last one cuz we've got what we need in hats now. So, the hat.

Pattern: Basic Norwegian Star Hat by Cara Jo Knapp
Size: Adult

Yarn: KnitPicks Mighty Stitch
Content: 80% Acrylic/20% washable wool, worsted weight
Color: Canary

Yarn: Big Twist Value
Content: 100% Acrylic, worsted weight
Color: Light Green

Yarn: Red Heart Classic
Content: 100% Acrylic, worsted weight
Color: Dark Green

Needles: Circular size 6

Started: August 4, 2022
Finished: August 8, 2022

Comments: I made a little change by using the little zigzag pattern twice instead of using the third stitch pattern.

Here's the back side. This hat came out very good. I should have entered it in the fair.

After I finished the hat, I decided to start making slippers because KnitWits is really low on them compared to what we need. I wanted to use one with stranded knitting. I looked at quite a few. Even bought a couple. Started knitting one and ended up frogging it. The instructions were not clear enough for parts, and it was NO fun to knit. I moved on to another pattern.

The second pattern started out rather promising, but the way it was constructed was downright ridiculous, and definitely NOT fun. I frogged it. 

I read through other patterns in my library. Couldn't find one I liked, so I gave up on stranded knitting for now and went with something easy, and fun. I used a modified version of my own slipper pattern. I'm making them for men, so no furry cuffs, and making much larger. When my brain is working better, I might try adding stranded motifs to it.

Another project I've been working on is an apron with a stamped cross stitch pattern on it. I saw a kit like this a few years ago on Ebay and thought it's perfect for my oldest daughter. who was taking painting classes at the time. I didn't buy it cuz it was way too expensive. I've searched high and low for that kit ever since, not finding it anywhere. Then I got a Mary Maxim catalogue in the mail. Lo and behold, they have an apron very similar. Ordered it right away. I'm making good progress on it.

This will probably be her Christmas present because there is no way I'm getting the bicycle picture done in time. Not with other things on my list that need doing.

It is still unseasonably hot here. Still getting up in the 90's. Fire season is going strong now. We're having smoke around the house, though it isn't near as bad as past years have been. Hoping for cooler, and maybe a little bit wetter weather.

I heard today that Queen Elizabeth has died. She is 96 years old. She was on the throne for 70 years. She was already queen when I was born, so she's the only one I've seen on that throne. I have always admired her for her strength, courage, grace, and dedication to her role in the British government. She made a large impact on the world, and especially on the relations between the USA and Britain. 

She will be greatly missed. 

Live long and prosper. \\//

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