"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Herringbone Mittens

 I've finished the obnoxiously colored Herringbone mittens. I'm not a big fan of orange, but I know others love it, so these will be going to KnitWits......which reminds me of something that happened when I still owned my shop. 

I had one supplier who, on occasion, would mess up an order by accidently writing the order number of a particular item down wrong. One time I'd ordered some item (I forget what) and instead of that, I was shipped a HUGE box of Hunters Orange Red Heart Supersaver, a yarn I did not carry. Hunter Orange is an incredibly obnoxious color. People who wear it can be seen from outer space. I called to complain and they said they'd ship me the proper items ordered, and I could keep the yarn.

So, I'm sitting there wondering what the heck I could do with 10 bags of Hunter Orange yarn. I left it in the box and put a sign on it that said $1.00 per skein. A lady came in a couple days later, saw the box of orange and screamed with delight! It was her most favorite color in all the world and she bought it all. Lesson learned? Just because I don't like it doesn't mean someone else won't love it. Now, on to the mittens.

PatternHerringbone Mittens with Poms by Elli Stubenrauch

Size: Ladies Small/Medium

Yarn: KnitPicks Mighty Stitch
Content: 80% Acrylic/20% Washable wool, worsted weight
Colors: Orange and White

Needles: Circular size 5

Started: January 26, 2022
Finished: March 1, 2022

Comments: I probably won't make these mittens again. I had a problem with the top of the mitten shaping. The decreases  are the opposite of standard shaping which makes it look a little off: Ssk on left and k2t on right. It should be k2t on the left and ssk on the right.

I don't like the thumb. I made some changes too. First, I didn't do the pompoms. Just wasn't  right for these.

Second, I added Latvian braids because just plain 1x1 rib was too boring for me that day. I made a mistake on that ribbing, so one cuff is a little longer than the other. I'd bound off and woven all my ends in before I noticed it. Not taking it out to fix it.

Both sides are the same which made it easier to knit.

Third, I added 4 rows to the thumb because it was too short. It's a rather complicated one and I didn't like knitting it, nor do I like how it looks.  Way too many increases and decreases. Don't skip this pattern, though, just because I didn't like it. You might love it.

This is a close up of the herringbone pattern. It was super easy to memorize. Only a 4 row repeat.

All in all I'm happy with the finished mittens. 

An update on me. I'm still coughing. I have an appointment with the asthma/lung doctor. I couldn't get one until almost the end of April. Too many people and not enough doctors is a real problem here. Anyway, I'm still taking Gabapentin and I want off of it because it's not helped. One has to be weened off of it because it's addictive. I'm going to ask for that.

My ears are doing much better. I did some googling to see if there was anything I could do to help them heal quicker. One person recommended taking Pseudoephedrine. I tried it and it's working so much better than I thought it would. I've still got a little fluid inside my ears, but it's definitely getting better.

We're having sunshine today. It's beautiful out but not warm enough for deck knitting. Rats! I want to deck knit so bad.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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