Outside my window...
The flowering plum is done blooming and now covered with beautiful maroon colored leaves. There are a couple chickadees sitting in it happily tweeting.
I am thinking...
it must have rained last night. Everything is wet.
I am thankful...
that replacement glasses for Sweet Hubby aren't as expensive as the first pair were. Did I mention Cable chewed his new glasses into pieces over the weekend? She was upset cuz we locked her out of the bedroom for a bit. Found the retribution laying in the back yard lawn.
In the kitchen...
the coffee maker has just beeped that it's turning itself off. I wish it would stay on longer than 2 hours.
I am wearing...
jeans and an old flowered print t-shirt. Dressed for cleaning and whatnot cuz I gotta get ready for our trip.
I am creating...
the Butterfly shawl. Made some serious headway on it this week so far. I've done the last increase row and now have to do 3 repeats of the butterfly stitch pattern. That's 72 rows of 385 sts. Takes me 20 minutes to do a row. I managed to do 6 of them yesterday. I've put my main focus on this project now. I need to get it done and out of my hair!
I am going...
nowhere today-except maybe take Cable to the groomers for a toe nail clipping. Gotta do laundry and pack. We're heading for the coast tomorrow morning, Westport to be exact. My sister-in-law is having a housewarming party to celebrate the finishing of her new house.
I am wondering...
Two things:

North Carolina Considers Outlawing Accurate Predictions of Sea Level Rise
What was in the ziplock bag we found out on the lawn Tuesday morning? All that was left was the zipper. Clearly, Cable ate something she shouldn't have. She must have an iron stomach though cuz it didn't make her sick. Have I mentioned she loves to chew on plastic? Gotta do something about that.
I am reading...
Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon. It's interesting so far. I've long known that being fat doesn't equate with being unhealthy. Unfortunately, our society keeps insisting it does. Our society hates fat people and this is the lie they use to justify that hate. Fat people are faced with an overwhelming amount of bigotry and prejudice in this country. I'm hoping this book will help me learn to deal with it.
I am hoping...
we have a good time on our trip. We're renting a condo on the beach and taking Cable with us. Our first real trip with her.
I am looking forward to...
taking Cable on the beach. It will be interesting to see how she reacts.
I am learning...
All that talk about being fat causing diabetes, heart disease, etc is not true. There are no studies that show being fat will cause someone to be unhealthy. In fact, studies show that healthy fat people live longer than a lot of thin people. Most of all, there are dozens and dozens of scientific studies proving that losing weight doesn't work and is almost impossible. Only 5% are able to keep it off for more than a year. Less than that can keep it off permanently. When you lose weight, your body fights it with everything it has to gain it back, plus more. It is very powerful when it comes to staying where it wants to weigh. Dieting CAUSES fatness. Fact.
Around the house...
the fur kids are pacing, hissing, whining, and generally being annoying. Cable wants to play with Chenille. Chenille wants nothing to do with her. Chenille has turned into a cranky old fart in her old age.
I am pondering...
what to make for dinner tonight. I think we'll have chicken. Perhaps I could persuade Sweet Hubby to barbecue it. If not, there's always the oven.
A favorite quote for today...
"It doesn’t matter how fat someone is, or why they are that fat, or what the outcomes of being that fat may or may not be. They deserve to be treated with respect and it is completely ok for them to be that size. Yes, even if they weigh 2000 pounds. Yes even if you think their weight is “their fault.” Yes, even if you would never ever want to be that fat. Yes, even if you can’t understand how they live. Yes, even if they have problems that can be correlated with being fat. Yes, even if they have problems that can be causally related to being fat. Yes, even if studies show that they cost society more. Yes, even if they actually cost society more. It is totally, completely 100% ok for someone to be fat. Nobody needs anyone’s encouragement, justification or permission to live in their body. Period. This is true whether or not people are able to achieve permanent weight loss – it is a matter of civil rights.
It is wrong to find a group of people who are identifiable based on how they look, calculate their supposed cost on society, suggest that it’s not okay for them to exist, and then declare war and attempt to rid the world of them." ~ Ragen Chastain
One of my favorite things...
the fresh earthy smell of the air after a quick summer shower.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
packing, cleaning the house, having a great time in Westport.
Picture thought to share...
If you want to join the Simple Woman's Daybook, click here.
Live long and prosper. \\//
The flowering plum is done blooming and now covered with beautiful maroon colored leaves. There are a couple chickadees sitting in it happily tweeting.
I am thinking...
it must have rained last night. Everything is wet.
I am thankful...
that replacement glasses for Sweet Hubby aren't as expensive as the first pair were. Did I mention Cable chewed his new glasses into pieces over the weekend? She was upset cuz we locked her out of the bedroom for a bit. Found the retribution laying in the back yard lawn.
In the kitchen...
the coffee maker has just beeped that it's turning itself off. I wish it would stay on longer than 2 hours.
I am wearing...
jeans and an old flowered print t-shirt. Dressed for cleaning and whatnot cuz I gotta get ready for our trip.
I am creating...
the Butterfly shawl. Made some serious headway on it this week so far. I've done the last increase row and now have to do 3 repeats of the butterfly stitch pattern. That's 72 rows of 385 sts. Takes me 20 minutes to do a row. I managed to do 6 of them yesterday. I've put my main focus on this project now. I need to get it done and out of my hair!
I am going...
nowhere today-except maybe take Cable to the groomers for a toe nail clipping. Gotta do laundry and pack. We're heading for the coast tomorrow morning, Westport to be exact. My sister-in-law is having a housewarming party to celebrate the finishing of her new house.
I am wondering...
Two things:
Why so many people in our government (or country, for that matter) are dumber than bricks. Case in point? This article:
North Carolina Considers Outlawing Accurate Predictions of Sea Level Rise
What was in the ziplock bag we found out on the lawn Tuesday morning? All that was left was the zipper. Clearly, Cable ate something she shouldn't have. She must have an iron stomach though cuz it didn't make her sick. Have I mentioned she loves to chew on plastic? Gotta do something about that.
I am reading...
Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon. It's interesting so far. I've long known that being fat doesn't equate with being unhealthy. Unfortunately, our society keeps insisting it does. Our society hates fat people and this is the lie they use to justify that hate. Fat people are faced with an overwhelming amount of bigotry and prejudice in this country. I'm hoping this book will help me learn to deal with it.
I am hoping...
we have a good time on our trip. We're renting a condo on the beach and taking Cable with us. Our first real trip with her.
I am looking forward to...
taking Cable on the beach. It will be interesting to see how she reacts.
I am learning...
All that talk about being fat causing diabetes, heart disease, etc is not true. There are no studies that show being fat will cause someone to be unhealthy. In fact, studies show that healthy fat people live longer than a lot of thin people. Most of all, there are dozens and dozens of scientific studies proving that losing weight doesn't work and is almost impossible. Only 5% are able to keep it off for more than a year. Less than that can keep it off permanently. When you lose weight, your body fights it with everything it has to gain it back, plus more. It is very powerful when it comes to staying where it wants to weigh. Dieting CAUSES fatness. Fact.
Around the house...
the fur kids are pacing, hissing, whining, and generally being annoying. Cable wants to play with Chenille. Chenille wants nothing to do with her. Chenille has turned into a cranky old fart in her old age.
I am pondering...
what to make for dinner tonight. I think we'll have chicken. Perhaps I could persuade Sweet Hubby to barbecue it. If not, there's always the oven.
A favorite quote for today...
"It doesn’t matter how fat someone is, or why they are that fat, or what the outcomes of being that fat may or may not be. They deserve to be treated with respect and it is completely ok for them to be that size. Yes, even if they weigh 2000 pounds. Yes even if you think their weight is “their fault.” Yes, even if you would never ever want to be that fat. Yes, even if you can’t understand how they live. Yes, even if they have problems that can be correlated with being fat. Yes, even if they have problems that can be causally related to being fat. Yes, even if studies show that they cost society more. Yes, even if they actually cost society more. It is totally, completely 100% ok for someone to be fat. Nobody needs anyone’s encouragement, justification or permission to live in their body. Period. This is true whether or not people are able to achieve permanent weight loss – it is a matter of civil rights.
It is wrong to find a group of people who are identifiable based on how they look, calculate their supposed cost on society, suggest that it’s not okay for them to exist, and then declare war and attempt to rid the world of them." ~ Ragen Chastain
One of my favorite things...
the fresh earthy smell of the air after a quick summer shower.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
packing, cleaning the house, having a great time in Westport.
Picture thought to share...
Look at the size of the smiles on these faces. Are they happy or what?
Live long and prosper. \\//
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