"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


WIP Wednesday January 3, 2024

I'm going to try and do WIP Wednesday more often this year, so I'm starting now. I am currently actually working on the two following projects.

I started this sock in early November. I was having a terrible struggle with stitch tension. I'm getting laddering where I change from one needle to the next. Normally, if I'm going to have that problem it's at the second join, as the round ends and the new round begins. Usually, if I pay more attention to tightening the first two stitches as I change needles, the problem goes away. But this sock is different. I'm having problems at the needle change in the middle of the round. No amount of stitch tightening is working for me. Urgh. I'm continuing on because it's less as visible as it was, but man! What is the deal?

This second project is a hat.

I gave up on the cat socks. My tension problems there were caused by me having to stop every few stitches to look at the chart. I have been under way too much stress to give them the attention they need, so I'm saving them for another time and making this hat instead. Oh, I forgot to mention. They were supposed to be a Christmas present. So this gift is gonna be late. The pattern is Fern hat, or something like that. It's cables, which I've not done in quite awhile since getting obsessed with colorwork. I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would.

According to Ravelry, I finished 31 projects in 2023. Not bad. I'm working on a finished projects page today. 

I have actually bought a sweater! Facebook has me pegged. This ad popped up in my feed and I just love the abstract design

I wasn't very confident it would fit because it's from China, but I chose the size wisely and it fits great! Not the best quality so I'll have to be careful with it. Didn't even have care and content tags. It says on the web site it's a cotton blend. Feels like acrylic. Washed well on the knit cycle. Laid it flat to dry. Very soft fabric. It's a white sweater that has the picture printed on it. Kind of odd. I'll wear it with my black jeans.

The weather in the last half of December was decidedly dry and somewhat warmish. It's been in the 30's during the day and below freezing at night. We've had a couple days just before Christmas when we got a skiff of snow, so it was white out there. 

Live long and prosper. \\//

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