"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman



 I've finished and framed my knitting sampler. It's hanging in my kitchen now.

I could have sworn I found the pattern on Etsy, but I didn't. It's on the October House Fiber Arts web site and it's called A Knitters Sampler. The original is in 4 shades of red, but I did purple, of course. It was a nice easy, quick project to do after all those months of the bicycle.

I got the frame and mat from frameiteasy.com. I used to get them from another online shop, but they were bought out by another company and I had a very bad experience afterwards. Frame It Easy is awesome.

Now a couple WIPs. I started a beading project. I was wearing one of my necklaces when I stopped at the liquor store a few months ago. The clerk loved it and asked lots of questions after I told her I'd made it. I ended up telling her I'd make her one. Well, then the whole business of Sue getting cancer and dying happened, and I forgot about it. I remembered it a few weeks ago, so I popped into the liquor store to talk to her about it because I could not remember which necklace I was wearing. Thankfully, she remembered I'd said something about Russian Spirals, and I remembered what it was. Hurray!

It was a necklace where I'd done a Russian Spiral in purple bugle beads for the focal, and the chain was Biva Nepal stitch. I remember it was a pattern in a beading magazine, but it's been a long time (I made it in 2006) so I can't remember which one. Anyway, I finally got her necklace started. I'm going with white and silver this time. I forgot how much fun spirals are to make.

Next WIP is a pair of mittens I'm making for KnitWits. I've got one little thumb left to do.

I did the first thumb this morning at the Yarnies meeting. Took me the whole two hours. You'd think I'd never made a thumb before. 

We had a wonderful weather day yesterday. It rained, almost the whole day, and it was nice and cool. I opened all the doors to air out the house. The air outside smelled so good, like wet happy green plant life. Knocked all the smoke out of the air, and helped firefighters working on the wild fires. The 90's will be back this next weekend. It was nice to have a little break from it.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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