Just a short post to share some pics.
Even though I haven't finished framing Bicycle yet, I felt the need to get a new cross stitch project going. It is going to be a much smaller and quicker project. I am a member in a couple of Facebook Cross Stitch groups and recently one of them discussed gridding their fabric. Never heard of such a thing. I decided I'm going to try it because it supposedly makes stitching a project a lot easier to count, and also somewhat faster to stitch. That makes sense. After stitching the project, you pull the threads out. So I spent some time graphing this.
The grid is hard to see because I used yellow thread. It is very visible in person. I watched a YouTube video to find out how to do it. You sew thread creating 10 by 10 stitch squares. After showing this to the groups I found out I could have used fishing line, which a needle can't pierce making it easier to pull out. I wish I'd known that sooner. Oh well. Next time.
My Peonies are blooming. I have 6 Peonies that I planted a few years ago and this year they've outdone themselves. I've picked a few and brought them into the house. Oh my goodness, they make the whole house smell so good. The dark pink ones are huge!
I'm going to have the house to myself later today. Ruth is going on an outing with some young people. YAY! They're going to the Gorge (A concert venue about 150 miles from here on the Columbia river.) to see a concert. It's been ages since she has done anything with people her own age.
Doug is going over to Dan's house to help him install a couple of railings on the front porch. Dan has been remodeling the front porch. He found the original railings that used to be on it and has fixed them up and painted them. They'll look really good. His house was originally a school house over 100 years ago. It will look more like it originally did when he's done.
Took a picture of Zoey last night. She was just getting settled to take a wee nap.
I have finished the body of the bee cardigan. I need to block it before I start the sleeves. Gonna try and squeeze that in today.
Gotta finish framing Bicycle, so signing off.
Live long and prosper. \\//
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