"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


WIP Wednesday On a Friday


I finished the front of Andoa, as well as the back. The next step is blocking these two pieces before I put the shoulders together. I'm going to do that with 3-needle bind off. Can't start the sleeves until I do, so I'm motivated to get it done quickly.

Good things have happened since my last post. Finally---I HAVE MEDICARE! I got the notice yesterday. I have to say thank you to Senator Crapo's employees for fixing the problem. He has a whole squad who's job it is to help people having these kinds of problems. I am so relieved!

I got the cat mittens in the mail to my daughter. Hopefully, she will get them tomorrow.

My flowering plum is starting to bloom. My daffodils are blooming, and the Bleeding Heart and Peonies have sprouted. It's Spring! Looking forward to pink tree time.

I have fabric for a sewing project. My Namaste circular needle case is over-stuffed. I can barely close it. I found a sewing pattern for the exact type of case on Etsy. I'm going to sew myself a new needle case.

The cats is a lightweight upholstery fabric. I will use that for the outside. The other two are for pockets and lining. I need some 20 gauge clear plastic fabric for the tabs, but Joann's is fresh out. I looked around on the web for some, but I only need about half a yard. Most places have a minimum of 3 yards, and it's pricey. I'm going to come up with some other plan.

Today it's supposed to rain. Hoping it does. We could use it. I think I'll cut the pieces for my needle case as well as block Andoa.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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