"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Bicycle With Surfinia

 I just realized I've not blogged the finished cross stitch project! Here it is! (Click on pic to enlarge.)

I bought the pattern on Etsy. It's named Bicycle With Surfinia. The flowers are beads. It really adds to the picture. The biggest challenge, for me, turned out to be the back stitching of the wheel spokes. I chose to use couching, instead of back stitch for those. It was much easier to get the lines straight.

It's all framed and ready to go. I taught myself how to properly frame it. Instead of the usual purchasing of an adhesive mounting board, I found a couple video tutorials on how to lace the project on a foam backing board on YouTube. I used size 8 perle cotton for the lacing. 

It was much easier than I expected, but took some time to adjust it properly. I got that picture mounted perfectly! It's absolutely straight vertically and horizontally so that the edges of the matte are lined up correctly. I purchased the matte and frame from an online shop named Frame It Easy. The foam board was included free. I am extremely happy with their service. Everything arrived perfectly and was well packaged.

All in all, I'm very happy with how this project has turned out.

It's hot hot hot today. 95F currently. Definitely hotter than yesterday. I went out this morning and did some much needed yard work before the worst of the heat arrived. Now I'm enjoying our air conditioning.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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