
Today's WIPs

WIPs to share. I've been sewing Margaret together. It's delicate work. The sts are so small. I have the front done, and the back, which is below.

Next is the sleeves. I'm not in any hurry to get this done because we still have a couple months before the snow flies.

I've made good progress on the baby cardigan. The body is done, and now I'm working on the first sleeve.

The yarn I ordered for Milo finally arrived. It took a long time to get here. I am surprised because usually KnitPicks orders get here within 2 or 3 days. I cast on last night and got a good ways.

It's been hot and humid this past week. A little smoke in the air. Temps are to go down in the next week. This morning it's gray and cloudy. Might get some rain. Good day for knitting.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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