

I have made good progress on Milo this week. I've knit up above the armhole decreases. This stripe pattern is interesting. The stripes are one row, then you change colors. They are arranged so that when you start the next color stripe, the color you need is there where it should be. Waiting at the end of the row.

I'm carrying the unused yarns up the side as I go, twisting some strands around the current color as needed. When  the decreases for the armhole started, I just wove the other colors along the back as I decreased so all the yarns are brought in to the new edge. It's turning out quite nice.

The baby cardigan is almost done. I need buttons.

We had a new member show up to Yarnies on Thursday. Her name is Thea and she is a fun lady. I am so glad to meet her. Our little group has shrunk down over the years to 3 regulars. I remember when we used to have over a dozen members back when we met at Coeur d'Alene Yarn and Fiber (which has been out of business for a few years now. The owner died of leukemia). I miss that group.

We meet at Calypso's Coffee in downtown Coeur d'Alene. The owner gave me permission to put a poster up in an effort to gain new members.

I am feeling much better. I have been coughing a lot less. Only after I have an asthma attack, which is happening 2-3 times a week.

I spent half the day yesterday altering the sleeves of a fleece robe I purchased several months ago. I want a short robe to wear in the summer time. I found one I liked on Amazon and ordered it. When it arrived I immediately tried it on. The sleeves were about a foot too long! I'm not exaggerating either. I don't know why, but the garment industry seems to have the idea that if a person wears a 3X, their arms must go all the way to the floor. Rather than sending it back, I decided to shorten the sleeves. I removed the fluffy white cuffs from the sleeves in preparation for shortening. But I was also totally disgusted with the whole situation, so I ended up tossing the robe and it's cuffs in a corner and have been ignoring it the whole summer.

Yesterday I decided to work on it. I spent half the day figuring out how to put the fluffy cuffs back on. I did a beautiful job of sewing. So proud of myself. Tried it on, only to find the sleeves still way too long. I forgot to cut some of the sleeve length off before putting the cuffs back on. Talk about a total fail. Now I'm REALLY disgusted with the whole situation. ARRGH! All that work. Ugh. Well, at least I know how to do it now. Call it a practice run? Sometimes you win the day. Other times you don't.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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