

I have started Layette set #40. The cardigan is first. I decided I wanted to knit something different. I've done over 30 cardigans using the same pattern. It's time for a change, so I dug in Ravelry's pattern database and found something interesting. Here's the start.

I love love love this stitch pattern! It's a 2 color slip stitch pattern. It has some texture to it too because there's purl stitches in each little box. I am enjoying this project.

Yesterday I was working on my laptop when I heard a squirrel making the screechiest of very loud screeching. I went outside to check it out. I stepped out onto the deck, with Zoey right beside me. I looked up above the windows and there's this poor trapped little guy.

My cats had chased him up there. He was trapped. He was seriously pissed. They weren't going to let him down soon either. Cashmere settled down to guard the window. It stopped screeching after I brought my camera out and took it's picture.

Zoey was barking and hopping up and down on her back feet. Merino was pacing back and forth. The three of them trapped that squirrel for an hour and a half. Eventually Cashmere fell asleep, Merino got bored and wandered off. Zoey came into the house. After she came in, squirrel jumped down and ran for the bushes.

I bet he doesn't run up on the deck again.

Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. I love your "critter" stories! Squirrels can be really loud when they are upset! It is such a strange noise!
