
Ha! and Sewing Things

It thought it could defeat me. I showed it! I fixed the sleeves on the robe yesterday. Now it fits perfectly. Just in time for summer to be over. No, there will be no pics.

Now, about sewing. I am very good at sewing my knitting together. I have had Fair judges come looking for me to meet me and find out how I seam things because the work was so beautiful. It's really a matter of practice.

In the early days of my knitting years, I didn't do top down seamless sweaters cuz I had no access to such a thing. (This is, truly, what is best about the internet. Having access to so much information) Most of my knitting years I was isolated and had only learned what I could find in books that I found at the library or magazines. Most patterns were knit flat, in pieces, and needed to be sewn together, just like regular sewing does.

Oddly, I do not mind sewing my knitted things together. I kind of take pride in it, seeking to make the best seams I can. I did not find out about seamless knitting until the early 2000's when I bought my shop. Wow, I learned so much those years, just from the inventory it came with.

When I was putting that baby cardigan together last week, I edjumucated myself some more. I did some research to find the best way to sew the sleeves. I have always back stitched seams that are not vertical or horizontal, but are diagonal. However, back stitch makes for a heavy seam allowance and can be quite sloppy. Especially in a little baby jacket made of worsted weight yarn. I decided I needed to see if there's a better way.

I ended up mattress stitching it, which is quite a challenge because there are increases to deal with, so the seam isn't invisible. But the seam allowance is much thinner, which is a big plus to me. It doesn't look too bad. Not any worse than back stitching. (Ignore the cat hair. It's that time of year again.)

I was hoping for something more elegant, but oh well. Anyway, as I was googling around, I found a seaming technique called the Bickford Method. I'd never heard of it before, but it is a life changing revelation to me.

It's not seamless looking, but you have no seam allowance, and it looks very nice. I shall be using it in the future, though it didn't work on the cardigan sleeves because of the stitch pattern, which has garter stitch rows in it.

Now, not to be outdone, google provided me with yet something else new and wonderful. I was looking for ways to sew in set in sleeves because, again, I have always back stitched them in. I found a video of a method that involves a sort of half mattress stitch, half grafting method. I tried and it works very well.

 It produced the best seaming of a set in sleeve I've ever done. I am so excited.

All in all, I call it a good week. I learned new ways to improve my knitting skills. I share this info with you so you can improve your knitting skills too.

I've said this before, and I'm saying it again. I've been knitting for more than 50 years, and I still learn new exciting things about it.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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