
Milo Progress

I finished the knitting on the back piece, and have started the front piece.

The shoulder shaping gave me some challenges. The pattern says to bind off the first 9 sts on the next 6 rows, then bind off 32 neck stitches. I decided to short row, leaving the sts open, instead so I can do the three needle bind off to join the shoulders instead of sewing. Well, a different color is being used on each row, so how do I carry the yarns across the stitches being bound off? I wove them, like I do when knitting across larger areas in fairisle. It worked great until I got to a row that had the purls on the front side. Can't weave in that situation without it showing on the right side. I was going to have to carry a yarn across 9 sts. That's a long float in worsted weight yarn. So I spent some time doing research to see if there's a solution to that problem. I googled, and looked in my books. Found nothing. Nothing! Then I realized it didn't matter because that particular row was the last shoulder shaping row anyway. Sometimes I'm my own worst enemy.

Here's a close up of the stitch pattern. It's been an interesting one to do.

I turned the furnace on Wednesday. All 3 fur kids were laying on me trying to get warm. I had some chores that needed doing. I wanted to get off the love seat. It was pretty chilly in the house, so I relented. Otherwise I would probably have sat all day with the kids using me as their personal heater.

It's amazing how fast things change when we go from one season to the next. One day we're roasting, and the next it drops into the 50's and we're all digging out jackets, sweaters, and long sleeve shirts. There's no gentle tapering off around here. Just BAM!

Live long and prosper. \\//

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