
What A Weekend!

What a weekend it's been! I woke up Saturday morning, looked out the window, and there it was. Snow. It was coming down like crazy and piling up on the ground. In September! Our trees haven't even turned yet! The last time it snowed in September around here was 1926! I was not happy. Actually, no one was happy.

We had our annual Parktoberfest family party on this snowy day. We were hoping for nice weather so we could be outside enjoying it. Instead, we were all in our niece's garage. It was nice and toasty warm in there, and we all had a good time despite the weather. But no caber toss, log sawing, or frying pan throws for us. I suggested a snow shovel toss. Ha ha. There was lots of good food (I made macaroni and cheese for the occasion) and laughter.

On Sunday morning I awoke to 4 inches of new snow. Ugh.

It was wet, heavy, and didn't stop falling until well into the afternoon.

A lot of people lost branches from their trees because they all still have their green leaves on them and it was heavy snow.

Some of those branches took out power lines over in Spokane. Fortunately for us, we did not lose our power. I went out and shook the snow off the branches so they wouldn't get overloaded and break.

The apples stayed on the tree and seem to be okay. They should be ripe enough to pick soon, assuming it gets warm enough for more ripening. I was hoping to wait until next weekend, but I don't know. Probably should pick them now.

I got quite a bit of knitting done since doing yard work was out of the question. The high of the day was a balmy 35F degrees. I finished sewing the sleeve pieces together on Margaret Tudor. The next step will be knitting on the cuffs and welts.

I also knit the matching booties and hat for the current layette project. I still need to block them, add a pompom to the hat, and ties for the booties.

I got several rows knit on the front piece of the Milo sweater too. It's coming along nicely.

This evening I plan to crochet the edging on the blanket fleece. I have KnitWits meeting this week and would like the set to be finished so I can turn it in.

It's a little bit warmer today, though the sky is covered in clouds. Most of the snow is melting very quickly. I'll be glad when it's gone and the weather gets a little closer to normal later this week. Snow in September. Who'da thought?

Live long and prosper. \\//

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