
What I've Been Working On

Well, contrary to my plans, I was not able to block Margaret yet. The weekend was rather busy. So I've been knitting and stitching instead. I went back to working on the felt applique stocking.

I'm getting close to it being done. I'm making the tiny little felt ornaments that will be attached to the tree. Putting on the gold beaded garland was fun. I need to dig in my fabric stash and find something to line the stocking with.

I cast on for another sweater for Zoey. She chose the colors. I'm knitting it in the round and putting a nice little garter rib stitch pattern in it to liven things up just a bit for me.

Somewhere in the house I have a kit for making dog collars. I wonder where it is? I could make collars to go with her sweaters. Hmmm...

The Honeycrisp apples are growing nicely. They're big enough I can see them from the kitchen window now.

Sweet Hubby is getting ready for school to start. He's been registering for classes, preparing a class to teach, and filling out piles of paperwork. He is going to teach his very first class this year, as a graduate student. It will be interesting to see how he does. I've never thought he would have the patience to be a good teacher. Especially after his stroke. I'm hoping I'm wrong and he does very well. I know he's excited about it and that is winning half the battle.

U of Idaho is paying him a small stipend, which will cover this years tuition. I am so happy because we don't have money coming in. We've been living on our savings ever since he got laid off 2 years ago. This will help immensely cuz the savings is dropping in amount fast.

It has become quite obvious to me that U of Idaho is grooming Sweet Hubby to become a professor in the computer science department. He's been told they'll hire him when he graduates, which, hopefully, will be next year. He's going to be working on his thesis this school year as well as taking classes and teaching a class. He will be busy.

It's a nice warm summer day. Not overly hot. I don't even have the air conditioner on. It was predicted a week ago that it would be horrible hot and smokey, but ha ha. We got storms over the weekend that dropped a lot of rain clearing the smoke out and cooling things off. The air is very clear today. We are having much cooler weather this summer than we usually have. I'm enjoying it. I hope it stays this way.

Until next time...

Live long and prosper.\\//

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