
Fair Entries for 2019

I took all the stuff for fair entries in today. I had a total of 22. 6 of them are mine. Here's what I'm entering this year.

Mini Star Trek Cross Stitch. I was literally finishing the framing an hour before I left today. I'm very happy with how it's turned out.

Polka Dot baby set.

Fairisle Mittens


A bracelet

I entered this necklace too. Apparently I forgot to blog about it. I made it for my daughter Ruth for Christmas. I remember life was crazy then, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised I forgot to blog it.

It's made with the new technique by Gerlinde Lenz called Peyote With a Twist - Not Crochet, or Peytwist for short. The pattern is Tiger by Mero Lugaa on Etsy.

That's the list. I will find out how I do in two weeks.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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