
Fair Results 2019

Went to the North Idaho State Fair yesterday to check out the entries. I saw that people 60+ got $2 off the entry ticket price. So I mentioned I'm 60 and I got in free! It was seniors get in free day. My very first senior discount. I was both surprised and delighted.

My six entries did pretty well. The baby set won Blue.

And so did the fairisle mittens. YAY! This was a difficult project for me so I'm really proud of this one.

The Peytwist necklace won Blue

and the blue bracelet too.

The necklace, which I entered in General Crafts, won White/third place. The competition was stiff so I did pretty good all things considered.

The big surprise, though, was that my Mini Star Trek won a ribbon. I really didn't think it would. White/Third place!

Now, if you'll remember, I started Margaret Tudor after making an agreement with my friend Dorothy to do so at the beginning of the year. We both wanted to make sweaters out of Tudor Roses by Alice and Jade Starmore, so we made a deal to work on them together and encourage each other to get them done. Well, Dorothy got her sweater done in time for the fair and she won Best of Show! It deserved it too. She did an incredible job on this cardigan. The pattern is Kathryn of Aragon.

She's out of town this week, so won't even get to know she won until next week.

So, about my asthma/cough that I've been struggling with for months. I finally found out what was wrong. On Tuesday night of last week I didn't get much sleep at all because I coughed all night long. I also could feel bubbles in my lungs with every breath I took. That's not asthma, so I decided to go to the Immediate Care clinic instead of my regular doctor. It was time for a second opinion.

Well, am I glad I did that! I saw Dr. Bailey. He listened to my lungs and then ordered a chest x-ray. Well, what do ya know? I had pneumonia!!!! He prescribed an antibiotic med, which I took faithfully, and I started feeling better by the next morning. I'm feeling so much better now. The cough is almost gone, and no more bubbles in my chest. It feels so good to be able to breath properly again. I'm actually getting sleep at night too.

Sometimes we can get so focused on something that we don't think of other things. I think that's what happened with my regular doctor.

Did I mention my daughter Ruth finally found a job? She's been filling out applications ever since she graduated last December. It's very hard to get a job in computer programming. The application process is very difficult. I'm so glad she was able to break through it. She's starting as an intern for 90 days and if it works out they'll hire her full time. We are so happy! What a grueling and frustrating thing it's been for her. I'm so glad she stuck it out. I'm hoping the job will be one she'll enjoy. She'll be programming machinery for a local company that makes holsters for concealed guns. They do a lot of custom work.

It's been a bit smokey around here from wild fires burning in areas not too far from here. Not as bad as last year, or even last month though. It's been hot the last few days too. Last night the rain came and washed the air. It cooled things off too. It's a cloudy and cool day today.

I have finally cleared off the dining room table and set up my blocking board. Margaret Tudor is getting blocked!

Live long and prosper. \\//

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