
Didn't Think I'd Get This Far.

You see this pile?

It's all 16 pieces and panels for Margaret Tudor. I bound of the last stitch Tuesday night. It's taken 8 months to get to this point. Next is blocking, sewing, and end weaving. I hope to do some of that over the weekend.

In the meantime, since the knitting for Margaret is done for the time being, I started a sweater for Zoey. Gotta keep knitting.

I got all of this years fair entries for KnitWits registered. We have 21 entries. 6  of them are mine. I turn them in at the fairgrounds next Monday.

The smoke from the wildfires socked in yesterday. It was very unpleasant. My eyes itched like crazy  despite being indoors the whole day. I didn't feel well either. I coughed all day long. I have no energy at all. I really need to go see a doctor about it. Sigh. I hate going to the doctor. I'm thinking I will go to the Immediate Care clinic and get checked out by someone not my regular doctor. My doctor insists it's asthma, but it doesn't feel like asthma to me.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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