
Spring Blooms

Oh goodness! We're 2/3rds of the way through June already. The spring just zipped by! My yard was extra pretty this year. Everything bloomed spectacularly. I took a few pictures, and that's what's being posted today.

First of all, my baby flowering Crabapple out did herself. She likes being in a fenced yard where the moose can't chew her to bits. She was thick with flowers.

It's been awhile since she's bloomed, and the last time she did I could swear the flowers were white. So it was a surprise to find pale pink with dark edges on the petals.

When I bought the tree, it was mislabeled so I thought I was buying a regular dark pink Crabapple, making the color a surprise regardless. I didn't know Crabapples came in any other colors. Suddenly, I'm noticing all the white and pale pink Crabapple trees all over the place. The county is littered with them. They smelled wonderful.

My Honeycrisp Apple tree bloomed too, but it was only about 20 or so flowers toward the center of the tree. They were fairly large and pure white. I didn't take pics. Some of those flowers are now tiny little apples. We are actually going to have apples on that tree! I am SO EXCITED!

The flowering Cherry had a few blooms too. It hasn't recovered completely from the moose abuse, even though it's been 3 years. Poor thing. It's loaded with leaves though, and growing like crazy.

My French Lilac was gorgeous! Loaded with blooms this year. It's growing like crazy too.

There's a young Ponderosa Pine behind it that is sort of crowding it above so I'm going to be pruning some branches to give it more room to grow upward.

If you've never seen these in real life, the flowers are much larger than the standard lilacs, and it smells heavenly. We had a whole week of lilac perfume in the house while it bloomed.

My regular lilac bloomed as well. Last year we got a frost at the wrong time that killed its buds, so it was nice so see them this year. The bush itself needs some work. The snow sliding off the roof has done some damage. (Please ignore the weeds)

It's the more traditional lilac color.

Smells wonderful too.

I have future flowers coming. All my Peonies have big fat buds on them.

We have had wonderful weather since I last wrote. Many perfect sunshine days for sitting out on my deck and knitting. Some rain too, keeping things nice and fire resistant. Temps have ranged mostly in the upper 60's, low 70's, except last week which got up close to 90F. This week it's cooled off and we're getting 5 minute weather days. We had a rainbow yesterday afternoon.

We went camping last weekend at Heyburn which is on the south end of Lake Coeur d'Alene, and it was perfect weather. I enjoyed the whole weekend immensely. Forgot my camera though, which made me very angry with myself because there are lots of wild flowers there of which I wanted to take pictures.

Sweet hubby, Dan, and Sue went on a bike ride while there, so me and Ruth went into Plummer and visited the Warpath Smokeshop and Trading Post.

Plummer is about 5 miles from where we were camping on the Coeur d'Alene Indian tribes reservation.

The shop carries beads. The last time I was there (which we figured out had been 12 years) it did, anyway. Just a small selection of Czech opaque seed beads. Well, things have changed. They built a HUGE addition onto the back and it's chock full of beads.

I've never seen so many beads in just one place! It was awesome! I actually had a huge rush when I stepped in the door and first laid eyes on them. There must be every color of Czech 11 seed beads there. Thousands of hanks hanging in rainbow order on the walls! They had 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 20's too in round and charlottes. Tons of Toho seed beads in tubes lined one aisle. They had a wall full of fire polish crystals, and all kinds of things for making Native American regalia (They have stuff for making moccasins!!!). I had the biggest blast looking at everything. I spent money. Way too much. They have Native American themed fabric and I bought some cotton for a blouse. That store was the highlight of the trip for me.

I am still diligently working on Margaret Tudor. I've got all the body pieces done. I finished them last week. HURRAY!

I also knit the two sleeve rose panels already. While camping, I worked on the first side sleeve panel (there are 4). It's not been going so well because I keep goofing it up. It's pretty complicated. I've cast on 4 times for it now. I think I've finally got it figured out. Geez, I sure hope so. I do not want to start it a 5th time.

Well, that's my news for now. I haven't given up on the blog yet. Just been really busy, Here's a picture of Zoey, who is doing lots of running in the back yard and enjoying it.

Live long and Prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. Lovely flowers! And what a fun store. Glad to see a summer update.
