
Simple Womans Day Book June 24, 2019

The Simple Woman's Daybook June 24, 2019

Outside my window... It's dark because it's almost midnight as I write this.

I am thinking... about the coming weekend. It's going to be a busy one. I've got one nephew coming with his wife, kids, and "unknown number of teenagers" to visit for a couple nights. Another nephew and his significant other are moving out of their apartment  and all their things are going to be moved into our garage for storage (It's amazing how much stuff being stored in our garage doesn't belong to us). There's a family barbecue being planned, and then there's planning and getting ready to leave on a camping trip. We're leaving Tuesday, thankfully. All visitors will be gone by then.

I am thankful for... my Star Trek channel on Pandora. It's my favorite of all my channels. Besides playing Star Trek soundtracks, it also plays soundtracks from all kinds of other movies I like. Sometimes the music in a movie is just so magnificent. For instance the Tom Hanks movie Cast Away. The first time I heard the music played with the ending credits in that one, it brought me to tears it's so beautiful. Movie soundtracks are our generations Symphonies and Sonatas. There are some amazing composers doing work for movie soundtracks.

From the kitchen... it's quiet in there. The lights are off. It's been put to bed for the night.

I am wearing... bright berry colored knit pants and a striped t-shirt. It has green, blue, black, white, and purple stripes.

I am creating... not a whole lot, though there are lots of projects I should be working on and finishing. I have a singular focus, which is kind of unusual for me when it comes to crafting. It's all about Margaret Tudor for me. I've tried working on other things and then I start feeling guilty cuz I'm ignoring Margaret.

I am going...  camping. We're driving over to Whidbey Island in Washington and camping at Deception Pass State Park. It's been over 30 years since I've been there. We used to camp there a lot when I was a kid. In fact, we spent almost a whole summer there once while my dad worked on a construction job in Anacortes. I say almost cuz one day, after coming back from work for the day, he was running on one of the hiking trails with our dog and fell. Broke his ankle. That was the end of that trip. I have very very good memories from those summers though. So much fun there.

I am reading... some silly romance book I got on Amazon called Winter Nights: Ten Book Box Set. I got it for my Kindle for 99 cents, or something like that. I was going to link to it, but it's not on Amazon anymore. That's interesting. Hmmm... I'm not really enjoying it. I think I'll download my Jules Verne books and read them instead.

I am listening… nothing really. It's quiet in the house, except for the dryer working on a load of laundry. 

I am hoping… everything goes well for our coming camping trip.  I expect it's changed a lot at the park since the last time I was there.

Around the house... everybody but me is sleeping. So peaceful.

One of my favorite things... Peonies. They are so pretty and smell so good. Mine are blooming now.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Going many places this week. I've got knitting group at the Rathdrum Library tomorrow, for starters, On Thursday it's knitting group in Coeur d'Alene, Friday is lunch with some friends. There's grocery shopping, family barbecue, and a few other plans that don't immediately come to mind.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing... My set up today while I was deck knitting. I've blown up the stitch pattern charts and I keep track of where I am with those little post it note flag thingies. I've got fancy plaid ones. They were in my Christmas stocking a couple years ago. Very handy.

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Live long and prosper. \\//

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