
Pinky Pie Apron

My daughters birthday is coming up and I decided to make her a gift. She loves My Little Pony even though she's in her 30's. Some things we never grow out of. I found a piece of fabric with vintage Pinky Pie on Ebay so I bought it and used it to make her an apron. This free pattern is called Garden Party Apron. I found it with Google.

There wasn't enough of it to make the apron entirely of Pinky Pie, so I found a pattern that uses fat quarters. I have a nice collection of fat quarters in my stash.

I learned a lot with this project. For one thing, I solved my problem of straight seams. I Googled and found an item on Amazon that really improved the quality of my seams. It's vinyl strips that stick on your machine like post-it notes called Sewing Edger. You stick them where you need to have the proper size of seam allowance and when you're sewing you just run the fabric against that edge. I can't believe how much nicer my seams are now. The edger is removable so you can move it around as your projects requires.

Another thing I learned is how to sew rickrack. There's rick rack along the pocket edges. It's the first time I've used it and I think I did a pretty good job.

I'm ready to make another blouse. I have the fabric and the pattern. Just need to get started.

I am making slow progress on Margaret Tudor. I finished the right back side piece and I'm now working on the left front side piece. I'm managing to stick to my minimum of working at least 2 hours a day on it. Only missed one day so far this month, and that was because I wanted to finish the apron. I made it up by working on her all day the next day.

I've also started the next Layette set.

Spring has finally arrived at the Parkarosa. The wild flowers have started blooming. The daffodils are up and showing their yellow heads. There are lots of flower buds on the flowering plum. It should open in the next couple weeks. We've had some very nice weather. Last weekend was glorious out. Sunshine, fluffy clouds, cool breeze, and perfect temperatures. I managed to get deck knitting in. Hooray!

Live long and prosper \\//

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