
Apples and Knitting

My Peonies are blooming. The flowers are HUGE. The one on the right does not have the typical Peony aroma. The darker one on the left does. It's making the whole house smell good.

While I was taking pics of them, I thought I'd show you the Honeycrisp baby apples. They're much easier to see now that they've gotten a little bigger.

There are more than I thought. Quite a few more. Here you can get an idea of size with my thumb and finger.

We had a real rip roaring thunder storm Tuesday evening with lots of wind and we didn't lose a single one of them. So they're on there nice and firm. I am so curious how big they will get. I was reading an article about how hard it has been for the apple industry to control the size of these apples. They are tending to grow very large. Too large for grocery stores for the most part. I expect they'll end up weeding them out of our shopping choices if they can't figure out how to fix that.

I stopped working on Margaret long enough to finish knitting the baby cardigan. It only took me a couple hours. I just need to block and put on the buttons.

I worked on it while at Rathdrum knitting on Tuesday. I finished it up before the meeting was over so I've started the first matching bootie. I didn't want to work on Margaret cuz I was mad at her. Well, really more at myself. I got to the end of the armhole shaping on the sleeve panel and counted the number of stitches. I was more than 30 sts short. I discovered I'd misread the increase instructions. I read to increase until there are 60 sts. What it actually said was "increase until there are 60 chart B sts". AAARRRGGHH! I had to rip all the way back to where I'd stopped doing the increases. 2 1/2 days of work, frogged. Urgh!!!!! I've worked like mad to get back to the start of the armhole shaping. I'm about 8 rows away from it.

Had a problem with my car yesterday. Coming home from Yarnies it started to make a horrible high pitched squeal so loud and high it pierced right through my brain. It sounded like the left rear tire. I checked it when I got home. It smelled hot, and the wheel was very hot. I told hubby about it and he said it sounded like a bad bearing.

I called Toyota and they had me come in this morning. I was also told by sweet hubby not to go over 45mph on my way there because doing so could cause the wheel to come off. I took all back roads to the Toyota dealer. They examined the ol' Camry. Turned out to be a totally different problem. The brake pad on that wheel was on crooked with lots of rust around it. It cost a small fortune to get it fixed, of course. They had to take it all apart to clean out the rust and debris and replace the pad and some other part.

While waiting for my car to get done my friend came and got me. We went to lunch with friends. An event we planned a month ago. We went  to Beverly's at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. I had an Asian Chicken salad that was absolutely delicious! After that I asked if they still do creme brule'. They do so I ordered it because there's just no point in going to Beverly's if I'm not going to have it. It was wonderful!

I ate every bit. Just as we were finished with lunch Toyota called to say my car was ready, so my friend took me back. When the morning started I thought I was going to miss that lunch, but thanks to my wonderful friends, it all worked out. Hurray!

Live long and prosper. \\//

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