Outside my window... It's a gray, damp, cold, dreary day out there, but the birds are happily feasting at the Parkarosa Bird Buffet. Most of the snow had melted off. In fact, there isn't any on the back deck. Now, if temps would get above 50, I could start enjoying the deck again.
I am thinking... it was a very wise choice to hire an accountant to do our taxes this year. She just finished them this past week. She is awesome. She found ways to save money on our taxes that we would never have known about. Well worth the fee she charged. We'll have more of the severance pay left in the bank than we thought we would.
I am thankful for... the fact I got to go on that Star Trek cruise last year. I know I didn't blog much about it, but it was so much fun. Definitely something very special. We were fortunate to have William Shatner as our host. He just turned 87 a few days ago, so I know the days are numbered to see him.
From the kitchen... It's nice and clean in there right now. I am planning to make cube steak for dinner tonight. I haven't done cube steak since forever. Definitely since before we had kids.
I am wearing... blue jeans and a purple and pink print button down blouse that is super comfortable. It's made of that fabric that is wrinkled. When you wash it, you twist it real tight before hanging it on a hanger to dry. I forget what that fabric is called. Skirts made of it were super popular a couple decades ago.
I am creating... doll hats. I had 6 Ellowyne outfits that needed hats. I've knit 4 so far this week. Only have 2 more to make. I am taking a short break from the Entrelac project, for sanities sake.

I am going... nowhere today. I don't feel well. I had a very bad night last night and several nights before. My new asthma medication is making me cough, and cough, and cough and keeping me up at night. I cough up big huge globs of white goo. I've made an appointment to see my doctor next week and have stopped taking the medication, called Advair. I want my Pulmicort back. I had to stop taking it because the insurance wouldn't cover it anymore. It worked so well I hardly ever had to use my inhaler. With the Advair, I'm using the inhaler 2 or 3 times a DAY. I'm miserable too.
I am reading... Dorothy Sayers Lord Peter Wimsey novels. The Wimsey novels are some of the best detective mysteries ever written. I own them all, but hadn't read them all yet. I decided to read them in order from the first to the last, chronologically. I started about a month ago. I'm really enjoying them. I'm all the way up to Have His Carcase. When I can't sleep, I read.
I am listening… to the television. Shrek the Third is on.
I am hoping… my cough will go away. I've stopped taking the Advair in hopes that will help. I'm also hoping sweet hubby finds a job, though it's been pretty discouraging so far. It's turning out to be very difficult to find one because the application process is so designed against the applicant.
Around the house... all the fur kids are asleep. It's peaceful and quiet. Except the tv, of course.
One of my favorite things... animated movies. Especially the Shrek movies and the Disney Classics. We've got quite a collection of DVD's of animated movies.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Just get through the week. Sunday is the Inland Northwest Freethought Society meeting. Tuesday I have Rathdrum Knitalong-which reminds me, we have new members now. The group is growing again thanks to the library actually working to promote the group. Wednesday I see Dr. Lindford about the medication. Thursday is Yarnies. Friday I get to stay home. Somewhere in all that I'll fit the laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, etc, etc.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing... The newest outfit I've put in the shop, modeled by Ellowyne. Whatcha think?
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