"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman



My biggest accomplishment this past week, I finished the background on Hummdog.

YAY! Now I can do the back stitching/outlining! My favorite part.

Over the weekend I got this incredible need to bead. Haven't felt that way in ages. I answered the call. Decided to work on something easy and therefore satisfying.

It's just a simple netted chain at the moment. I have a new blue shirt and decided I need something blue to go with it.

The weekend was cold and rainy, so Sweet Hubby and I spent it indoors puttering and watching movies, and Netflix. We did a Planet Earth marathon on Sunday between putterings. I've never had the opportunity to watch the whole series, and it's on Netflix right now. We watched the first few episodes. Wow! What a fascinating series. The photography is absolutely amazing. I've learned so much so far. This earth of ours is truly a wondrous place. We need to stop abusing it and take care of it because it's the only home we have. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the series.

Yesterday was a very nice day but I didn't get to go outside much. I spent all day setting up and taking a photograph for a photo contest the Imagining Wilde group is having. First prize is your choice of doll from the shop, and there's one I'd love to have. I didn't expect it to take all day, but you know how it goes. Nothing ever goes as planned in these things.

Today it's gorgeous out. I'm going outside to enjoy my deck as soon as I finish this blog post.

Next blog post will be a doll one. Just warning you.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. Love the hummers! So are you drawing then hand embroidering/stitching?? I've only done counted cross stitch, so I don't know exactly what you're doing there. It looks wonderful!! I'll have to check out that series, I love stuff like that.

    1. No, it's a counted cross stitch pattern chart. It's called Dogwood and Hummingbirds by Sue Coleman. http://www.123stitch.com/item/Stitching-Studio-Dogwood-Hummingbird-Cross-Stitch-Pattern/13-1481
