"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Finally, Official Lammily Clothing

Just before Christmas last year, I pre-ordered a couple of the official outfits coming out for my Lammily doll, aka Josephine. They arrived over a week ago, but I didn't get a chance to blog about it until now.

I got two of them and this is my opinion on them. I don't know what I was expecting, but it's definitely cheap made in China stuff.

New York, New York ($27.00) is my favorite of the two I purchased.

The jacket fits very well. But the quality is lacking, severely. There was a mysterious rather large thread knot on the front that I removed.

The lining is nice though.

The little white shirt underneath does NOT fit properly. This is the best I could do. The velcro closings need to be adjusted and the waist is a bit too tight and too low.

The shoes are warped, therefore preventing me from being able to pose her feet straight.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the ankle joints on this doll suck. I can probably fix the warping with a bit of hot water since they're plastic shoes.

The jeans fit fine if she's posed straight up and down, but pull way down on her little butt if you bend the legs. Also, they have a hokey velcro closure done with a lousy sewing job

and the pocket is lame. Not really a pocket.

They used 2 pieces of fabric to make it. Why didn't they sew the bottom seam? How hard would it have been to make that right?

I'm disappointed.

The other outfit I got is Celebrating Denmark ($24.00). Ugh. Of course, the shoes are warped.

The jacket fits kind of weird. It doesn't come together in the front, and it's rather large around her shoulders. In addition, mine came with a pre-torn lining.

I didn't like the trimming job on the silver trim either (which is actually very thin wire). Sharp for little hands. But it was easy to trim off myself.

The dress fits fine, but I hate the velcro they used for the closure. Cheap and plastic, not to mention how it's sewn on. This is the way all the velcro closures are done on these outfits. No pride in workmanship. It won't take much playing for these to come off.

Both purses also have this kind of velcro closure.

So, this isn't the quality that I get with my collection dolls (Ellowyne) for sure, nor is it as good a quality as doll clothes were when I was a young girl, but I guess since it's made in China and costs a lot less than the collectible doll clothes, I shouldn't complain. I won't be buying anymore of the Lammily outfits. I'll make my own clothes for her.

I wonder how they compare to the current Barbie clothing? I haven't looked at them in quite awhile. I should check it out.

Over the weekend we watched a Star Trek TOS marathon, both tv and movies, in memory of Leonard Nimoy. I bawled like a baby at the end of The Wrath of Khan. Too real right now.

Knee update. Quite a bit of the bruising is healing nicely, but the swelling hasn't gone down much. I don't think it can until most of the bruising heals. It still hurts quite a bit, but I'm getting around without a cane at home now. If I go out, I take the cane just to give my balance more stability. My doctor says I probably won't need physical therapy, but it's gonna take several months for it to heal completely. Urg. In the meantime, Tylenol and ice packs. I've been taking little walks outdoors too, on days when I don't go anywhere. I am so tired of this. Heal already!!!

Live long and prosper.\\//


  1. I bought this product from the owner at the New Hampshire sheep and wool festival. It has been so effective for joint issues, swelling, over-use. It is very good. It's call Oh My Aching. She also sells a skin oil that has really worked well on my dry winter skin. Anyhow, here is the link (no association, just a great product):

  2. Thanks for the update, I hope your knee continues to get a bit better!

  3. Thanks for the clothes review. I can save my money. They don't even fit well enough to use as patterns. So disappointing. I just have to carve out some time to design some myself. There are some clothes on sale in Etsy if you want to go that route.
