February 9, 2010
Outside my window...
Another cold gray dreary morning. Rumor has it, though, that it'll be a bit sunny later today.
I am thinking...
that if I want some coffee this morning, I'm gonna have to go to the kitchen and get it myself. Rats! Be right back....
I am thankful for...
Drip Coffee makers. Remember what it was like before we had them? You had the percolator coffee pot. Fill the little doohickey (I never knew what it was called) with coffee grounds, and water in the pot. Then heat it on the stove. Wait and wait and wait until it was brewed-and God help you if you had the heat too high. Boil over anyone? Then picked the grounds out from your teeth while you drank it and wondered why on earth you like this stuff. Ah yes, the good ol' days.
From the kitchen...
I think I'll make Mustard Tarragon Chicken for dinner tonight. Emeril was making it on Good Morning America this morning. I make mine a little differently, a lot healthier. I don't put whipping cream in mine. I use white wine. Good heavens! That guy is gonna die of a heart attack some day!
I am wearing...
my jammies at the moment. Later I will put on jeans and a t-shirt of some sort.
I am creating...
not quite sure. I am at a spot where I can start something new, or finish something that's been languishing away hoping for my attention. I am still working on the second Bamboo sock. In fact, I worked on it yesterday at the doctors while I waited for them to call my name so I could get my monthly blood test (which was fine, btw).
I am going...
no where. I'm gonna stay home all day. I shall putter in the house, and figure out what knitting project I'm gonna attack with gusto.
I am reading...
I finally finished People of the Silence. I didn't expect the ending it had, which is nice. I like a little unpredictability in my reading. Now I'm reading Star Trek: Mere Anarchy. Purely for entertainment.
I am hoping...
for a nice Valentines Day.
I am hearing...
the clickety click of Morgans toenails on the kitchen floor. He's on his way to the water dish. I also hear the whistle of the Towhees calling to each other. They haven't come to the feeders yet this season. Soon, I hope.
Around the house...
My goodness but Morgan has a lot of toys! Aside from those scattered all over the place, the house looks really really good right now. So nice and clean, and organized-more or less. I still love the new floor.
One of my favorite things...
is chocolate cake, which I got over the weekend. My friend, Phyllis, brought a wonderful chocolate cake complete with birthday candles to our Super Bowl party. Mmmmm...caaaake.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Make some posters to advertise a beading group I'm going to attempt to start up in Post Falls. We'll meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 10:30 am, at the Bead It store. I talked to Gail about it yesterday. I am going to give up the teaching. It's a lot of work for hardly any reward. I didn't even have half a dozen students last year. Anyway, I don't know if beaders get together just to bead and chat like knitters do. I guess I'll find out.
I need to get busy on the knit theme Christmas tree too. I sure hope I haven't put too much on my plate.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
Playing Farmville is exhausting.
If you want to join the Simple Womans Daybook, click here.
Have a good day.
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