I love Bearded Iris. On the front side of the house I have a little patch of them. (Please ignore the weeds. I don't weed in the rain, but they sure weren't shy about growing in the rain!). This is the ONLY place I've ever planted Iris in my yard. The patch consists of the following colors: peach, yellow, black, light blue, and one deep deep royal purple. In fact, I think that's the Royal Purple one with the bud on it.

Yesterday morning my daughter headed out the door to go to work. She turned right around and came back into the house. I thought maybe she forgot something. No, she came in to tell me there's a purple Iris blooming. "Come see it Mom!" So, I did. Only, it wasn't in the Iris patch. It is here-the little purple spot that black arrow is pointing at.

This is across the driveway, in the 'wild' part of the front yard. And it's purple. Completely different than my deep purple one. Here's a close up.

Question 1: Where did it come from?
Question 2: How did it get there?
Weird! Totally weird!
My favorite part of the Bearded Iris is the little hairy thingies. They're so---hairy.

Besides knitting, I planted some flowers I'd bought before the great rains. They've been hanging out on the deck in their little pots, waiting patiently. I also started preparing for our camping trip.
On Thursday we are leaving for the first camping trip of the season. We're heading for Priest Lake, one of my most favorite places on planet Earth. I did laundry yesterday, and cleaned the inside of the trailer from top to bottom. I've also been making lists, planning meals, and whatnot. Today I'm going grocery shopping, and them I'm gonna start packing. I have very little energy after being sick for 4 days. I do not recover like I used to. Must be the age thing. So I thought I'd better start hauling stuff out today so I'm not totally wiped out before we even get to the camp ground tomorrow. I will be packing some knitting, of course. Socks, and the shawl.
I've got a lot to do, so I better get busy.
Have a great day.
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