"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Fair Report 2010

Being the Knitting Superintendent for the North Idaho Fair does not prevent me from entering knitted items. That is because I do not judge the entries. Judges are a separate department all together. So I entered 3 pairs of socks this year. I also entered 4 beaded items.

Ndebele Bracelet: 1st Place

I was kind of surprised that I only had 7 entries this year. I usually have a lot more. It's not that I haven't made a lot of things. It seems I gave away almost everything I made, including 3 of the above items which I gave to their new owners after the fair. Really, I ought to consider making something for me to keep one of these days.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. Congrats on all your ribbons. Everything is beautiful. I especially love the Lemonade & Blackberry Jam Ornament Cover.

  2. Congratulations!! Your work is always so inspiring.

  3. Beautiful! Congratulations!
