
Loose Neckband

Just thought I'd share something interesting I did this week concerning making the neckband on Milo.

It's a typical crew neck. It's important to me that these kinds of bands look great, so I apply something I learned from machine knitting. (Note: I have done a lot of machine knitting. I own 4 different knitting machines. I stopped using them when I had back surgery several years ago. I need to get back into it cuz it's a lot of fun.)

I started out with the recommended size 6 needles to pick up the stitches. I knit about half of the band, then I changed to size 5 needles and knit about 1/4th of the band. I changed to size 4 needles for the last 1/4th and the bind off. This technique will make a neckband lay down so nicely, usually.

I wanted to use a stretchy bind off so the band would go over the head easily. I didn't think a standard bind off with size 4 needles would be a good choice so I went online and found one to try called the Elastic Bind Off. It's very easy to do and it is very stretchy, but the edge was left looking rather waffly and stretched out looking. It didn't pull in and lay flat like it should. It was the same problem I had with the cuff bind off. I was not happy with the resulting look. So I applied the same solution which I can show you here cuz I took pictures.

I took a piece of contrasting yarn and threaded it through the edge. I went under the knit stitches and over the purls.

Then I pulled it together so the knits pleated over the purls. I tied a little bow to keep things in place.

I gently steamed it, let it dry, then removed the threaded yarn.

It lays perfectly now, and stretches nicely. It springs right back too. It's permanent because it's acrylic. Steaming does that to acrylic.

If this had been wool I am not sure doing this would have worked. I probably would have taken the bind off out and done something else. Probably the EZ Sewn Bind Off because I know it looks nice in this situation. Or maybe I'd have looked for something else.

I learned something important from this. The Elastic Bind Off is not suitable for a ribbed edge. It would be great, though, for lace or any pattern that doesn't pull in like ribbing does.

I hope this was helpful to someone.

Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. Had no idea that steaming would do that! I always learn so much from you😁
