
Simple Woman's Daybook for August 10, 2012

FOR TODAY August 10, 2012

Outside my window...
The sun is shining, it's hot, and the air is decidedly smoky. I wonder if there's a fire nearby?

I am thinking...
about what to write in this blog post.

I am thankful...
for the air conditioner. It's small, can't cool the whole house, but it keeps the living room livable. That's all I really need. If I believed in heaven, I would hope there's a special place there for the inventor of the air conditioner.

In the kitchen...
it's a mess! Ruth and I were so tired from yesterdays activities we just left the dishes sitting on the counter after dinner. Didn't even stack them. I made Poor Boy Pizza for dinner. It's kind of a pizza on french bread. Ground beef, tomato sauce, some Italian seasoning, a little onion and garlic, spread on french bread and covered in melted cheddar cheese. It was one of my favorite meals provided by the school lunch program when I was a kid. Other kids thought I was nuts to like it. What can I say. I'm a rebel.

I am wearing...

She looks way better in hers than I do in mine. But I still feel pretty when wearing it.

I am creating...
as always. Yesterday I worked on the fuzzy yellow baby hoodie. I needed some super easy knitting while at the Yarnies meeting. With all the stress in my life right now, my brain has started tossing things out randomly, so nothing complicated for me until after the fair. Oh yes, I've put the Honeybee stole on hold. No way do I wanna frog that thing in September.

I am going...
crazy? What made me decide on doing a yard sale during fair time, let alone doing the Ravellenic Games?

I am wondering...
if the coffee in the pot is still warm. I could use another cup.

I am reading...
The Chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. It's the 5th in the John Carter of Mars series. I'm really lovin' these books. They are a fun read.

I am hoping...
lots of people come to our yard sale and I sell everything. Also, that things go smoothly at the fair next Monday and Tuesday. I'm planning for chaos, but expecting good things.

I am looking forward to...
well, the fair! Duh!

I am learning
some interesting things about global climate change. I keep hearing that the consensus of scientists agree the earth is warming up and humans are part of the cause. I've always believed the earth is warming. I'm just not so sure how much we can blame on ourselves. I decided to find out what the evidence is. I'm curious like that. I want to see the proof. I just read this fascinating article about how the change is affecting animal and plant life. Wow! Some pretty conclusive evidence of global warming. If you're into sciency stuff, you might wanna read the article:

Around the house...
What a mess! There's yard sale stuff piled around, plus boxes of Knit Wits projects waiting to be taken to the fair. I will be glad when this is all over.

I am pondering...
as to why voter qualifications are being changed this year? Especially knowing that voter fraud is rare in this country. I just found out, via this site, that I'm no longer registered to vote. This, along with not being able to vote in the primary last spring because I'm not a registered Republican is starting to make me angry. I will need to re-register, which I can do during the fair. Urg. Is the GOP really that afraid of losing that they need to change the rules to make it harder for citizens to exercise their right and duty to vote? Isn't that cheating?

A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite things...
The pink pads on kitten feet. They are so cute!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Yard sale over the weekend, fair entry days on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday I get 'off' so I'll catch up on laundry and house work, Thursday is judging day at the fair, then Friday we set everything up on display. Sheesh! I'm exhausted from just reading that!

A peek into my day...
Today I am gathering the remainder of the things for the yard sale, pricing them, and hauling what I can in my car over to Dan and Sue's. I'm also taking our portable Gazebo over there and setting it up. Then I plan to help Sue with the gathering of her yard sale stuff cuz she works full time and hasn't had the time I have had to do that.

Picture thought to share...
from my garden.


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Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. I love your dahlia picture. It is gorgeous!
