
Moss Flowers

Just a quick post because I have to head over to sis-in-laws and get busy on the yard sale shortly. (Did I mention I feel like I've been hit by a Mac truck this morning? My back just doesn't like to work.)

Last night I finally bit the bullet and printed out the photo I'm going to enter in the fair this year. I took it on our camping trip. I took Cable for a morning walk on a trail where I knew we'd not bump into anyone else so she could be off her leash for a little while. She was leaping and dashing around like a happy deer chasing squirrels up trees and sniffing all the wonderful new scents.

We ended up beside a creek in a gorgeous piece of forest. The ground was completely covered in a thick carpet of green moss. The morning sun was shining through the trees and doing awesome things with that moss. I decided I wanted a Macro pic of the carpet. I kind of layed down on the ground and started taking pictures.

At one point, I stopped to check and make sure things were coming out clear because it's sometimes hard to tell on that tiny little screen on the back of my camera. So I took a moment to zoom in on the details of some of the photos. I zoomed in on this one, and to my surprise, it looked like this:

Blooming Moss

I was so surprised to see those bright yellow and red moss flowers. I couldn't see them with just my eyes. Were those really there? I had to put my nose real close to the moss to see them. They're only about an inch tall. Wow! I love this picture! I love the way the sun shines through the moss and the brown bits of bark mixed in.

Anyway, as I was saying, I finally printed it out last night. I was really anxious about it. Would the printed version look as good as the one on my laptop screen? I need not have worried. It turned out fabulous! Better than the screen version. YAY! I put it in a black mat and it's ready to go to the fair. Here's to hoping for a blue ribbon.

Now, on to the yard sale.

Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome picture! If you don't get a blue ribbon, the judges are blind!
