
What I Did This Weekend

I had a busy, but fun, weekend. On Saturday we attended my niece Kaitlyn's graduation party. She is now a high school graduate. There were a lot of people in attendance, and it was raining hard all day, so we all got to squeeze indoors, but that's okay. I enjoyed it anyway. The food was awesome too. But then, Park get togethers always have awesome food.

After the party we went over to Dan and Sue's for the evening. Every joint in my body was aching-I assume because of the wet, cold, damp weather. I wanted to sit in their hot tub and warm up. Unfortunately, I took a bottle of rum but forgot to take the Mai Tai mix. No dinner (none of us can figure out why we didn't eat anything. Too tired maybe?), so the rum was on an empty stomach. I drank it straight. It tastes so darn good! I got totally drunk. I don't even remember coming home. I do not like getting drunk like that. Well, maybe I will rephrase that. I don't like being drunk. It's embarrassing because I turn into a chatty kathy. So it's rare for me to let myself do something like that. Thank you to my daughter Ruth for getting her parents home safe and sound.

I awoke late Sunday morning feeling surprisingly well. No real hang over. My head felt a little woozy, but after I ate something that feeling went away. So sweet hubby and I headed into Coeur 'd Alene to visit Parker Toyota.

Yup, after 8 years of being the perfect car, we traded in my Prius. This will surprise many who know me because whenever the subject has been brought up I've always responded with "you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands." I loved my Prius that much. It's an awesome car.

When we went on our trip driving over to Westport, Sweet Hubby started complaining, as usual, about the lack of leg room. He's 6'4" so even with the seat pushed as far back as it will go his knees hit the dash when he was driving. We've got more road trips planned for this year and there's a bit of money in the savings account. Even though I loved my Prius, I decided I'd had enough complaining.

Last week I looked into the Toyota Hybrid Camry. The 2012 model has some surprising changes that have improved it considerably. So, my new ride.

I am luvin' this car.  Very comfortable to ride in and it has lots of leg room for the hubby. The inside is beautiful. In fact, downright luxurious. The dash is imitation leather and all the gauges and whatnot are so cool! It drives like a dream, rides so smooth, and has lots of power under the accelerator. Most of all, it's a hybrid, so I'm not polluting the air when I drive. Not only that but it's built with a great deal of recycled materials. I think I am going to be very happy with this car. It doesn't get quite as good gas mileage as my Prius did, but that's the trade we make for a car that fits my Sweet Hubby. She's rated for 35 hwy and 43 city. I can live with that.

We've purchased some surface protection for both inside (upholstery) and out (front end paint protection). I will be taking it in to have that installed on Wednesday. We also purchased the extended warranty. Not something we've been known to do, but with all the fancy technology gadgets this thing has (did I mention it has blue tooth, usb port, and ipod port?) I wanted a warranty longer than 3 years. Now it's got 8 years. I expect I'll have this car that long-assuming it performs equally as well as my Prius did.

Today I need to get it registered and get the insurance coverage going. It's a beautiful sunny day. Driving into town will be nice.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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