
Just Some Pics

On Saturday  we went to sis-in-law Elizabeth's house for her party. It started at noon. There were lots of people coming and going throughout the afternoon. Elizabeth has a lot of friends. I enjoyed meeting them. There were some cousins too that I got to meet from father-in-laws side of the family.

Elizabeth served home made lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. The lasagna was absolutely fantastic. The best I've ever had! She couldn't share the recipe though. It's a trade secret from a restaurant she used to work at when she lived in Los Angeles years ago. So I guess if I want more we'll have to go visit her for it.

I gave the ruffle scarf to Elizabeth for her empty hook. I think she liked it. She hung it up immediately, laughing as she did it. I don't know if it will ever get worn, but I know it will be looked at a lot.

I want to share some pictures I took while at her house. She has two crocheted items that were made by her grandmother that are just stunningly gorgeous.

First is this lace table cloth.

I actually have the pattern for this cloth in my collection. It's in a book that was written in 1942 and belonged to my great grandmother. Oddly, it's the exact pattern I've always wanted to make, so I was quite shocked to see it on Elizabeth's table. I love the motif pattern. The workmanship is awesome. I've never seen such perfect stitch tension.

The second item is an afghan Elizabeth has on this bed up in the loft.

It's a ripple pattern, but not an easy one. Changing colors as often as this does is a very challenging skill. Not only that, but the entire thing is made with sport weight wool. A work of art if I ever saw one.

I happen to own this pattern too. It's in a very very old afghan pattern pamphlet from the 1940's that I found in a used book store. I have no plans to make it though. And yes, I collect old patterns.

I'm so glad Elizabeth has these. It was a highlight for me to see them. They are wonderful heirlooms.

During the party Cable stayed in the car. Thankfully, it was a cool day. I also left the windows open so she could have fresh air. I took her for walks twice (one on the beach, one in the neighborhood) and she didn't seem to mind being in the car. She slept most of the time-exhausted no doubt from the two big walks she'd had earlier that day. When everyone had gone home, Elizabeth let her come in the house. She was an incredibly good dog that day. I couldn't have been happier with her. So, when we went out to dinner I ordered a huge steak. I cut it in half. I ate one half and give the other to her later that evening along with some garlic mashed potatoes and steamed carrots (yum!). She deserved it.

After the party, Elizabeth took us for a ride in her new car. She has bought a Hybrid 2006 Toyota Highlander. She took us on a little tour of the city of Westport. Near the water there is a place where the townspeople feed the local feral cats. Unfortunately, the local racoons have discovered this free handout. I caught one on camera red pawed, stealing cat food.

That face is so CUTE! Now, step back a bit, and you'll see a stern look of disapproval.

I hope the little bandit left some for Mr. Grumpy when he was done eating.

On the way back to the house we saw this deer.

It's a black tailed doe. There was a young buck with antler nubs nearby under a bush. They were just quietly chewing their cud. There are lots of deer in Elizabeth's neighborhood. Some of them hang around quite close to her house. They are not afraid of humans.

Sunday morning we headed home. Sweet Hubby did not want to drive back the way we came because that would require driving on I-5 between Olympia and the junction to Hwy 18 near Federal Way (my home town!). So he proposed we head a little bit south and take Hwy 12 east over White Pass to Yakima, then go north to Ellensburg and I-90 and on back home. It would add an hour and a half to the drive, but it would be a beautiful one. It had been more than 35 years since I'd been that way, so I was all for it if he was. I am SO glad we did. I'd forgotten.

I'd forgotten how wonderful that route is, and I'd also forgotten how beautiful the wild Pacific Dogwood trees are when they are blooming, and they were blooming! My heart began to sing as soon as I saw the first one. I could't stop smiling as we passed each one until we'd reached an elevation too high for them. I wish I could have stopped to take some pictures, but it wasn't possible. We had to get home. Next year, maybe? Whatever, we're going that way from now on. No more I-5 stress for us.

I wonder if I can get a Pacific Dogwood around here?

We arrived home Sunday night safe and sound. It was a good trip. I'm glad we went.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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