
WIP Wednesday 4/10/2012

It's WIP Wednesday! Here's todays wip. I thought I'd get the FLS done yesterday, but I didn't. I have 12 rounds left to go on that second sleeve. So close!

I will definitely get it done later today. I can hardly wait. Then it's just weaving in the ends, blocking, and putting the buttons on. I am planning to steam block this baby to fix some size discrepancies. The yarn is a merino/acrylic blend so I shouldn't have any trouble fixing them.

Now, for some really great news. SPRING IS HERE! The Crocus are blooming in the front yard.

This one is not quite open yet. I love this shade of purple.

The daffodils have sprouted too.

There are tons of daff sprouts all over. More than I've seen in a long time. I hope the weather is right so they can bloom as prolifically as they've sprouted.

The weather, today, has been spectacular! It's actually 71F degrees. I spent some time outdoors and didn't even need a coat. Dark clouds are headed this way though. The wind has picked up and the sun is behind the clouds. Thunderstorms are predicted for tonight. It's been ages since we've had a thunderstorm.

I went to Cabelas to pick up the second tree metal wall hanging. Now I have all four pieces. They need to be installed. I hate ladders. I wonder if I could get Sweet Hubby to do it for me?

If you're interested in participating in WIP Wednesday, please join us.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. your february lady sweater is looking great! I love daffodils too. We have tons already in bloom over here! I just wish they stayed that way longer!

  2. The cardi looks great! Not long now to finish!
