
Simple Woman's Daybook for April 10, 2012

Outside my window...
Sunshine! We're going to have a beautiful warm day. Prediction is for 70F. Woo hoo!

I am thinking...
I am glad to be alive today.

I am thankful...
that spring has finally arrived. I'm also thankful for my new furniture for the deck. It arrived last Tueday in a HUGE cardboard box. I was not home when it was delivered and it snowed all that day, so when I got home it had a couple inches of snow on top. I didn't unpack it. I waited until Thursday, after the snow had melted and it was just a bit dryer out.

In the kitchen...
is an empty pie dish. For Easter dinner, I made pumpkin pie. I thought "Why do I have to wait until Thanksgiving for pumpkin pie?" Then I went to the store and bought some pumpkin. I made two pies. One is in the freezer. The other one has been eaten. It was the best pumpkin pie I've ever made. I also cooked a leg of lamb roast, and made deviled eggs. We went to brother-in-laws house for dinner.

I am wearing...
my jammies and my leopard print robe. Being lazy about getting dressed this morning, as usual.

I am creating...
the February Lady Sweater for my daughter. It's so close to being done I can smell it. I finished the first sleeve and I'm about 3/4 through the second. I will definitely get it done in time. Yay! However, I have not worked on anything else. A sacrifice had to be made.

I am going...
to Rathdrum Knitalong today cuz it's Tuesday and that is what I do on Tuesdays. I expect to finish off the FLS while there.

I am wondering...
How long is the pain in my right jaw going to hang around. I came down with TMJ about 2 weeks ago. I was waking up in the middle of the night with my teeth clenched together so tight it's a wonder they didn't shatter! The pain got pretty severe, but I've been doing exercises and massage and it's healing fairly quickly. I can chew now without sending myself into a coma. Obviously, there is some stress in my life that is affecting me. I need to figure out what it is.

I am reading...
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest. I've already read the first two books of this triliogy. It's very interesting and hard to put down.

I am hoping...
for a warm normal spring so I can plant my garden.

I am looking forward to...
using my new deck furniture. I've been able to sit out in the sun twice since I set it out on the deck. It is very very comfortable. My husband is quite happy with my choice too, which makes it even better.

I am learning
new recipes. Because the first 36 years of my life were spent in a religious cult that didn't eat pork, I don't have much of a repertoire of recipes for it. Last Friday I tried a recipe for Pork Chop and Potato Casserole. It was SOOOOO good! The hubs loved it. I will be making it again.

Around the house...
are 3 metal wall sculptures that I bought from Cabelas. A fourth is on order. I got a moose, a deer, and two trees to install on the front of our house. I want to pretty it up some.


I am pondering...
whether to get back to that book I was writing or not.

A favorite quote for today...
"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman

One of my favorite things...
 Cadbury Cream Eggs. Yesterday I went to Kmart and bought some on clearance. I didn't get any for Easter and needed to fix that oversight.  

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I haven't really thought about it. Finish the FLS, and perhaps I can finish the fingerless mitts I'm designing for Ray too. I need to get that done.

Picture thought to share...

What Cable thinks of roast Lamb.

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Live long and prosper. \\//

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