
WIP Wednesday 2/15/2012

It's WIP Wednesday time! I'll start with the shrug. It's about 1/3 done. I frogged it and started over, using one strand of yarn for the cuff, and adding the second color for a stripe pattern.

I could probably get this done fairly quickly if I just applied myself. Ha.

I got the first sleeve going on the orange baby aran.

Santa finally put the Poinsettias on the Christmas tree.

Pictures do not do the stocking justice. Next step is embroidering a name on the top piece. I've decided on 'Cable'. She needs a stocking, doncha think?

Speaking of Cable, she finally figured out she can go in and out of the doggy door whenever she wants. I could see when the light bulb went on in her head. I let her out that morning, then closed the door all the way. The only way to get in was through the doggy door. After she sat in front of the door waiting and whining a bit, she pushed her way in the doggy door. Stood there for a minute. Turned around and looked at the doggy door, and you could see it on her face. "HEY!" My goodness, she got excited!

On the first couple days she was  going in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out... She was even taking her toys out for a tour of the yard and bringing them back in. It got annoying because the door bangs every time she goes through. So, after a few hours of this, I locked the door for awhile just for some peace. I'll be glad when the novelty wears off. LOL!

Yesterday I took my finished paper work to the fair office. Yup! It's begun. Fair planning for 2012. We will be having our first meeting in March. I have changed some of the classes. I split out the hats, sweaters, mittens, and scarves into generalized technique categories of plain, solid texture, openwork texture, and color/intarsia work. I did that to the afghans and socks last year, but left it at that because I didn't think I needed to do more based on the entries we'd had the year before. However, last year the judges asked me to split them out for the next year. It will make things a little easier for them.

I'm starting a new bead along. In the Seedbeadersters group (on Yahoo) we're going to be doing a Russian Spiral project for February. Should be fun. I hope to get started later today.

I am taking Cable to be groomed today. This will be the first time I pay someone else to bath and primp a dog for me. She's so much bigger than the boys were, I decided I didn't want to wrestle with her in the bathtub. Let someone else do that.

If you're interested in participating in WIP Wednesday, please join us.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. OMIGOSH, that stocking is AMAZING! And the baby aran looks like a ton of fun to knit!

  2. It looks like you're keeping quite busy. The baby aran looks awesome and the shrug looks so soft.
