
Ruth Blocks Her Blanket

Ruth blocked her blanket on Friday. I took pics.

Remember the Before picture? Looks rather narrow and puckered in places.

The blanket is her own design. She used several colors of  Baby Bee Sweet Delight Baby yarn which is an acrylic/nylon blend. She started by weaving blocking wires in along the edges of the blanket. Then she pinned it out to how she wanted it on a sheet spread on the rug. She used my Jiffy Steamer to lightly steam it.

This is after the blanket was dry and she'd taken the wires and pins out.

Quite a difference. Now it lays flat (no more puckers) and is much wider. She's been wrapping herself up in it ever since. She loves it. I'm glad. I am also just so darn proud of her for finishing this project. It was a big one!

Speaking of big projects, this morning UPS delivered a book I pre-ordered months ago, as soon as I heard it was being reprinted. I am so thrilled to have the new edition of Principles of Knitting by June Hemmons Hiatt.

It's a big book, over 700 pages. It is the most comprehensive resource book on knitting techniques you will ever find. It was first published in the 1980's. I didn't discover it until after it went out of print. Ms. Hiatt says in the forward that people have been clamoring for a reprint. She decided to redo the whole book, updating and adding new things she'd learned since the first publication. It took 10 years for her to do it. It is AWESOME! Not only does she tell you HOW to do things, but WHY you do them that way and WHEN to use them. There are no patterns in the book. Just lots of knowledge about knitting and how to do it. I am extremely pleased to have it in my library.

I should mention that some time last year I managed to acquire a used copy of the original printing of this book. I love it too. But I have to admit the new one is quite a bit better.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. What a beautiful blanket! Its amazing what blocking can do.

  2. Awesome blanket!! Bravo to Ruth...I would never have attempted something so big! lol

    I'm still waiting for my copy of POK...I preordered it too but haven't received it yet. I'm so glad to hear such a positive review! I used to take the original out of the library all the time. I'll be glad to have my own copy!
