
WIP Wednesday 1/25/2012

Here's an update on the projects I'm working on this week. Of course, we have yesterdays pictured sock.

We also have the orange baby cardigan. The left front is almost done.

Then we have this, which is supposed to be the sleeve of a shrug for Knit Wits.

I stopped at this point because all of the first of the 3 balls of fuzzy yarn I have has been used and it's obvious that I do not have enough to do the whole shrug. (Did that make sense?) So I'm going to frog back a ways and start a stripe pattern. I really thought I could make the 3 balls of mint fur work, but alas. No such luck. I've found a skein of a mint/blue bulky boucle' to use for the stripes. Just gotta sit down and get to it.

I'm also working on this beading project.

It's a Christmas ornament cover I started some time around Christmas. I was doing it with size 8 seed beads instead of the 3mm pearls that the pattern called for, but I didn't like it, so I put it on hold until I could get some pearls, which I did a couple weeks ago. Last night I worked on it a bit, removing the size 8's and putting in the pearls. I like it much better now.

That snow we were gonna get last night ended up turning to rain. It got all the way up to 38F before I went to bed. There was a very warm wind blowing from the south and at least half of the snow we had on the ground melted away. Interesting turn of events.

At yesterdays Rathdrum Knitalong meeting I gave a little presentation on basic sweater finishing. I took my Jiffy Steamer, blocking board, and whatnot. The members made 2 swatches in preparation for the 'class'. I taught them how to steam block and then I went through some basic techniques for sewing sweater pieces together. I really enjoyed doing it. I'll have to think up some other subjects to present to them.

Speaking of teaching, you may notice I don't have the "Classes I'm Teaching" button in the side bar any more. I have decided to stop teaching at the shop. I got so few students in the last year that setting apart that day each week for it just isn't worth it. I can find more productive things to do with my time. Besides, being in 3 different knitting groups keeps me busy enough.

If you're interested in participating in WIP Wednesday, please join us.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. I love the orange! Such a great color for a baby! Can't wait to see your cardigan progress.

  2. Love the beaded ornament! What pattern did you use? Would love to add it to my pattern collection. My emal is robbie6@cox.net.

  3. I have a question about the McCall's baby cardigan pattern (that is posted on revelry). Not sure if I am doing my math wrong or what -- but is the back really supposed to be narrower than the front? The back has 51 stitches, and considering the overlap of the front button band, it has the equivalent of 61. Is this correct? (I also posted question to you on Ravelry.) ~Bethann

  4. To Anonymous: Yes, the back is narrower than the front. I've knit this pattern dozens of times over the past 40+ years. It has always turned out perfect. There are no mistakes in this pattern.
