
Poinsettia Santa Progress

I should have included this in yesterdays post. I've been working a bit on the felted Christmas stocking.

I added the packages and leaves at the toe last night. The black dots on the pink package are French Knots. I'm so proud of myself. I didn't have to redo a single one of them.

The weather is continuing the sunshine and blue sky today, though not as warm. It's 29F. That's quite a difference from yesterdays balmy 41F. Snow is predicted for the weekend.

I got quite a bit done on the BRS second sock yesterday too. I'm almost done with the foot part. Soon I will be doing the heel, following the patterns instructions I've written one line at a time to make sure I got it right.

Well, I think I'll take Cable for a walk. It's so beautiful out, I hate to miss the opportunity to soak up a wee bit of vitamin D.

I leave you with this.

Please Mom, can we get rid of the dog already?

Live long and prosper. \\//

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