"Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either." ~ Elizabeth Zimmerman


Making Snowmen

We are having a very rainy weekend. I guess I prefer that to the alternative-snow. It's turning out to be a much milder winter than the past 3 have been. The weatherman says it's because of El Ninjo. Whatever. I'm just happy to have some relief after the past 3 years.

Just because it's raining instead of snowing does not keep me from making snowmen.

I have been craving some time with my cross stitch. I haven't done any since this time last year. Knitting, beading, life-all these things kind of pushed the stitching to the wayside. Anyway, I pulled one of my unfinished projects out a couple days ago.

This is called Snowman Row. It was designed by Ursula Michael and sold as a kit, though it was discontinued shortly after I bought it. I started working on it about 3 or 4 years ago. I work on a couple of the little guys each year.

I have four left, counting the half finished one I started Thursday. I think I'm going to finish it this year. I need to get it done so I can hang it on my wall next Christmas.

I have not cast on for the mystery shawl yet. I should do that this evening. Wow, I'm gonna be pretty busy with this many projects going at once.

We've had a sudden turn in life's road this week. Daughter Ruth is not going back to school for the next semester. She wants to take a semester off. She only has one class and her senior thesis left and she'll be finished and have a degree, but she is showing signs of pretty severe burn out so we've given in.

I am afraid that if she takes it off she will not go back next fall and finish. I hope that won't be the case. Having a degree gives a person such a huge advantage when it comes to earning income in our society. So, anyway, instead of leaving the nest and going out on her own, our little birdie is returning and settling in. I am disappointed, but I suppose I'll get over it.

Have a good day.

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