
It's WIP Wednesday!

I have made significant progress on Milo. The back and front are done

and I've started the first sleeve.

It's all I've knitted on this week, so far. When I was working on shaping the shoulders on the front piece, I discovered I'd made a huge mistake on the back. I'd put in a garter row where it was supposed to be stockinette, so I had to unravel about 4 inches and do it over. I didn't mind it too much.  I fixed it in about 2 hours. We're getting closer to Christmas so I gotta get it done, and done right.

I also started a cross stitch project.

 It's a Thea Gouverneur kit that will be a picture of flamingos.

The kit comes with black or white fabric. I like the white best, so that's what I got. However, I ran across this pattern on Etsy the other day and bought it.

 I might put the flamingos away until after Christmas cuz I'd like to stitch it for my daughter Sarah. Sarah is an avid bicycle rider, just like her father. She doesn't own a car, preferring to ride her bike to work. She would love this.

Earlier last week I mentioned my Honey Crisp apple tree needing to be harvested soon. I decided, after hearing the weather report, to pick them later that day. It was going to be super cold (it got down in the 20's). I picked them all and got a nice bucket full. Our very first apple crop.

I used half of them making apple crisp that was absolutely delicious. We've eaten a few raw, and the rest will go into a pie. Most of them have little bird peck holes in them, so they're not very pretty. I have just been cutting that out and eating around it. They were a bit sour when I first picked them, but they're getting sweet just sitting in the bucket.

We got snow again last night. All of the previous storm's snow had melted away, but this morning we had 4 fresh new inches of it.

My poor flowering plum.

It's melting fast. The sun is shining and it's above freezing out there. I had to refill the bird feeders twice since the snow we got a week ago because so many birds have been visiting us. It's too early for it to be snowing!

Yesterday morning we had big bird visitors. This pair of Turkey hens showed up to munch on bird seed that other birds have knocked onto the ground.

They left when sweet hubby left for work. That big red pickup that came out of the garage was more than they could handle and they ran off into the woods. A few hours later a hen with her 4 growing babies showed up to enjoy a meal.

Zoey went absolutely nuts! She barked at them at the  window, than ran outside and barked at them from behind the fence, then ran back in to bark at them from the window...back and forth, back and forth, barking barking barking! But this mama was smarter than the average turkey. She figured out Zoey couldn't hurt her and ignored her completely.

We've been seeing a LOT of wild turkeys in the neighborhood. More than usual. We have a distant neighbor who is feeding them and the word is getting out I guess. They all kind of gather together at this time of year anyway. I'm not sure what for. It's not mating season until spring.

Spring. I'm ready for it. Bring it on. ........ ... ... ... sigh.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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